Page 20 of Crown of Lies
I held up a hand. “I’d rather walk down thirty flights of stairs than cling to the neck of that stalking bitch again.”
It didn’t matter what I felt, though. Azra was protective and ready to be pissed about anything.
With a heavy exhale that blew out metaphorical smoke from her nostrils, she said, “Alright. Whatever. So, it’s done with. That’s good to know. He’ll come in tomorrow, and that’s the last you’ll see of him.”
It was finally sinking in, and Azra noticeably relaxed. Her slitted pupils told me she wasn’t close to being over it, however. “I can’t believe someone was asking you to investigate Hartfall. I mean, you’re not even interested in that kind of mess.” When I didn’t answer, her lips thinned. “Right, Gray?”
My shoulders rose with a sheepish shrug. “I won’t deny it’s interesting. No news outlets are reporting on it. The university isn’t releasing any statements. The attacks are seemingly at random besides the fact that all the victims are angels, but none of the attacks are similar. Usually, crimes have a pattern but—what are you glaring for now?”
Azra shook her head in amazement. “You’ve already researched it.”
I blinked. “Well, yeah. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you’ve already rejected the job offer. And still, you sat at your computer for three whole hours. Was that all you worked on the whole evening?”
Had it really been that long? I fought the urge to squirm in my seat. “Huh. I guess I was a little curious. But isn’t it strange that we’ve hardly heard of these attacks? Like, angels are getting hurt. Why hasn’t this blown up in the media?”
Azra’s gaze narrowed. “Whatever the reason, it isn’t our business. Especially not yours. Curiosity is fine, Gray, but stop dwelling. You’re getting that look.”
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about, but I feel the need to be offended.”
Azra flapped her hand at me. “You get all charged up and thinky. And next thing you know, you’re full-on obsessing, and it takes over your entire life. You do it with puzzles and projects and true crime and crafts and books you like and—”
I threw a pillow at her face. She blocked it easily. “Okay, okay, I get it. You’re probably right.” Even now, my heart raced a little faster than normal. And that was just from telling Azra the barest of details from the crimes.
Shit. She’s right. I needed to calm down.
She tossed the pillow to the side and pulled up her thick hair into a twist. Her eyes drooped with fatigue. “Just forget it. I’m not here to breathe down your neck. You should be able to look into whatever you want. Just keep your physical distance from this one. Poking your nose in issues like this could get you hurt, and I don’t have to be your father to explain why.”
I dug the remote out from between a couch cushion and turned the TV on. “You’re right. I know that better than anyone. You don’t have to worry about me, okay?” Staying out of archangel business was my business.
She snuggled deeper into the couch. “Good. I’m off my pedestal. Put the fucking show on.”
I caught another two hours of peace, my thoughts caught up in reality TV antics and the relief that the stranger wasn’t out to kill me. Dhalia joined us, her delicate, birdlike form tucked into Azra while we talked over the TV drama.
But as soon as they retired to their room and the lights clicked off, my thoughts came rushing back in. Articles and statements and testimonials and comments by other students… the information blurred and cycled together as I tried to make sense of it all.
Something was there. Hiding in plain sight. There had to be, right?
After an hour of failing to fall asleep, I raided Dhalia’s liquor stand and took two shots of vodka. I knew myself. At this point, I’d keep myself awake for hours if I didn’t take serious measures.
“Azra’s right as always,” I mumbled, climbing back into bed. “I’m already obsessing.”
The vodka did its trick eventually. I was a lightweight, and it successfully bludgeoned my buzzing head into submission. Finally, I slept.
* * *
“Gray. Gray. Godsdamn it, wake the fuck up!”
Something shoved me out of my dream and into reality. I groaned and pulled the blankets over my head. “Go away.”
“The news… it’s… there was another attack.”
I sat up so fast that I knocked my forehead into Azra’s face.
“Fuck!” we cursed in unison, me holding my head and her holding her nose.