Page 74 of Crown of Lies
I stared, transfixed. Dizzy. Unable to move. “Feel what?”
“You’re not dumb, so don’t pretend to be.” Hot breath kissed my fingers.
His skin looked so soft. I wanted to reach out and feel it for myself. Brush the hair from his brow. Let his heat sink into me. “It’s nothing,” I lied.
“Nothing?” He turned my hand over. “Then, I like nothing.” His lips pressed into the cradle of my palm.
My fingers twitched and spread across his jawline on instinct. I couldn’t stop it. Did I want to?
This has to stop.
“You have to stop invading my personal space—”
In my idiotic trance, I hadn’t noticed the activity in the hallway. Nor was I prepared when the handle to my office turned.
Self-preservation rocketed to life, and my limbs went flying. Several grunts and one loud, banging crash later, and the door opened.
Quinn looked down on the scene before her with stiff shoulders and a tight mouth. “Isra?”
My foot still hung in the air, my leg extended. Razai laid on his back, limbs flung out in all directions, my shoe tread stamped onto his white shirt.
“You,” Quinn accused in the most scathing tone I’d ever heard from her. Lips pursed in anger, she glared down at the pale-haired idiot on the ground.
I set my foot on the ground, heart pounding. That was too close.
“Me?” Razai said as if in a drunken daze. He looked up at her. “Here to stab me again?”
“You deserve it. But that’s not why I’m here.” She turned on me, and I slid lower in my seat, expecting a scolding. “You did amazing today, Isra.”
I paused my southward traveling. “Uh-what?”
The beaming smile nearly gave me a damn sunburn. “The counselors are so happy they have an assistant who actually fills out paperwork. We were able to take in six extra appointments because of you. Keep it up!”
Razai grunted on the ground and shifted to sit up but flattened himself once more when Quinn pinned him with a glare powered by the sun’s rage. She practically had steam jetting from her nose when she all but growled, “If you harass my new employee, I will skin you alive, do you understand? See you tomorrow, Isra,” she ended with a cheerful wave.
My plastered smile did the trick, as did my mannequin-stiff wave. “Bye, now.”
The door clicked shut, and I was on my feet, towering over the dumb-fuck idiot on the ground. “What the hell was that, Razai?”
He shaded his eyes with a thick forearm as he looked up at me. “That was scary, that’s what it was.”
“Not Quinn. You. Why did you... ugh!” I stomped away and furiously shoved my shit into my bag. I needed vodka an hour ago.
When I whirled around, Razai stood over me, arrogant smirk in full force. This close, his shoulders and chest filled most of my field of vision. “I won’t apologize, because I don’t regret it.”
Shoving at his ribs only got my wrists caught in his manacle-like hands. “Stop manhandling me!” I grunted while trying to wrestle away.
Suddenly, I found myself yanked through the air and slammed into his hard body. My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, legs kicking.
He gripped the curve right beneath my ass and hoisted me upward, pulling my knees apart and around his waist. “Just wait, Gray. Wait.”
“This is the exact opposite of what I asked for.” I grunted, trying to figure out a way to get off of this giant of a man and back down on the ground without cracking my skull open.
He was too close, too warm, too everything. And the worst part was the heat between my legs and the way my body gravitated toward him like a magnet. “Fuck!” I snapped.
Then Razai did the unexpected. He settled his head in the crook of my neck and softly nuzzled his cheek into me. “Hug me and I’ll put you down.”
“I don’t negotiate with terrorists,” I panted. There was no way to get away from him when he was everywhere.