Page 79 of Crown of Lies
Cole grinned. Flames burned brighter and brighter in his fists. “I’m going to enjoy this.”
Chapter Twenty-Eight
A shimmering wall of magic rose between the two men and the class. Just like the one the Gate was created with. On the other side, I saw Nathaniel Harlock and four other students holding hands, their eyes glowing with silver and white.
Good thinking, especially since Cole wants to kill.
Cole crouched, an evil smile deforming his handsome face. Flames roared from his body, sending waves of scorching heat across my face. “You don’t even have an affinity. You’re a backwater archangel with no family, no connections, and no power to even make a name for yourself. Sure, you can handle yourself with a weapon. But I’d like to see how you can handle hell itself.”
The white-haired angel could have been on the cover of a luxury magazine with his casual slouch and smoldering gaze. He better be able to back up his arrogant ass with real fighting skill. I mean, I’ve seen the pull-ups. He’s strong. He seems deadly.
But appearances weren’t everything. Proof weighed more than assumption.
Cole extended his arm, palm out, and summoned a whip of white fire. It cut through the air like lightning, aiming for the professor’s throat.
Holy fuck. He’s really going for kill shots.
The fire brightened his angular face. The whip reached, and reached.
Time lost meaning. How can a fraction of a second contain eternity itself? I imagined Razai’s flesh splitting with a hiss and spilling down his chest. He didn’t even pretend to ready himself.
He looked like a martyr staring death in the face, and welcoming it.
Finally, the fire reached its target.
But the man was no longer there.
Razai had moved—moved faster than anyone I’d ever seen before. One second, he was in the whip’s glow. In the next, he crouched five feet to the left, already shifting into—well, what? What was his plan? It was a masterful dodge, and everything from the posture to the speed told me he’d done this a thousand times.
But he can’t dodge Cole into submission.
Cole’s whip came arching back, and he slammed it into the ground at Razai’s feet.
But the professor was already on the move.
Cole’s surprise was evident when Razai rushed him. Because why in a million fucking years would a weaponless, magic-less immortal push for a close-range attack? Razai didn’t even frown. Not a single furrow dented his forehead. Everything about his loose posture and relaxed expression said that this wasn’t a challenge.
The entire class tensed with the same fear. Razai had a chance of survival if he could keep his distance. But this?
His odds dropped through the floor.
Cole seemed to think this too, since he showed his teeth in a nasty grin. What a piece of shit person. His flaming fist swung toward Razai.
He ducked fluidly beneath the blow. His palm knocked Cole’s elbow and pushed the whole arm left.
Cole’s other fist came next. A brutal strike toward Razai’s stomach.
Razai caught Cole’s forearm and twisted. Cole’s entire form rotated, his shoulder straining, his body forced to the left to keep from getting a dislocation.
He rolled backward, getting out of Razai’s range. The cocky, bloodthirsty gleam in his eyes dimmed. He pulled the fire into a tight core within his palms and then blasted out a torrent of white-hot flame.
Razai summoned his wings, and to everyone’s surprise, the flames plumed back. Archangel wings could be injured by magic. They weren’t impervious to attacks. But, apparently, Razai’s were.
Cole’s eyes bugged. His fists shook, and a cry of rage tore from his throat. That’s when the asshole pulled out a set of throwing stars. Their steel tips glinted with the glow of the silvery barrier.
Who just casually carries around throwing stars?
But the steel didn’t land in flesh or knock against the magical barrier.