Page 16 of Mile High Contract
She bites back a smile. “It’s nothing. He’s moved on, I’ve moved on. He’s already been deleted.”
“Okay. Well, you seeing anyone new?”
She glances at the bartender, who’s cleaning glasses before he stacks them on the back bar, then looks at me. “Well, I have a new perspective.”
Laughing, I say, “Let me know how that works out. I’m gonna head to the bathroom.”
I get up and head toward the restrooms, stopping to admire all the artwork on the walls of the hallway that leads to the bathrooms.
After taking care of business and washing my hands, I exit and see a man at the end of the hallway, his back to me. His ass looks very nice in his tailored suit pants and his shoulders are broad, leading down to a trim waist in his fitted black shirt. When I look at the back of his head, there’s something familiar and I suddenly realize he looks a lot like Carter Lockwood.
It seems I’ll never get that guy out of my head.
After looking at themenu futilely since I already know what I want, I set it down. I glance over to see that Elle’s already finished half her glass of white wine.
“Good?” I ask, pointing to it.
She nods, green eyes wide. “Yes, it’s really light and sweet. If I don’t slow down, I’ll be tipsy in no time!” She giggles.
I stare at her platinum blonde hair and her full lips that look cosmetically altered. Do I want Elle tipsy? We’ve only been out on a handful of dates, and she is always down for a nightcap back at my place, but she certainly isn’t someone I’m looking for in the long run.
WhatamI looking for?
Do I want to settle down, get married, and do the whole family thing? At thirty-five, I should know the answer to this by now. I think that’s what I want. So why haven’t I met her yet?
Or have I?
Elle smiles at me and asks me about work. I answer generically and we have a very boring but pleasant enough conversation.
The server comes to the table, delivering me my second scotch. After giving our food orders to her, I excuse myself to the restroom and freeze in my tracks when I see two women sitting at the bar laughing. I squint, cursing myself for not going in for that eye exam I’ve canceled three times.