Page 33 of Mile High Contract
She offers me a weak salute. “Sir, yes, sir.”
She disappears through the door and closes it behind her. I rarely drink at work, but I sneak half a measure of scotch from the credenza and stand in front of my floor-to-ceiling window that overlooks the Denver Metro with a fantastic view of the mountains. The Silverstone brothers really made a great decision when they purchased this building. They have to be making a fortune on the rent, too.
I have to admit I’m glad Taryn and I had this little talk. I don’t think I’m going to be good at not flirting with her—it’s just natural when I’m around her—but perhaps we can ease into a good working relationship, and if we see each other outside of work, so be it.
My brain hurts. I forgothow much crap you have to shove into your noggin when you’re learning a new job. It’s not just the work either. Remembering people’s names. Passwords to what feels like a hundred different programs. Constantly getting interrupted to help people with computer problems. At least this place has help tickets like the law firm did—this program is just much more efficient and automatically sorts them by time, date, and priority.
It doesn’t seem like they’re going to be teaching me app development anytime soon. I’m doing the gopher work. Like help tickets and fixing software bugs. Installing hardware and software. Basically the same shit I was doing at the law firm. But I’m the new person and they had let the stuff fall by the wayside—I get it. But Jeff assured me once that stuff is caught up, I can start learning new things.
Things with Carter have been... okay. Seeing him as the boss is a massive turn-on. He takes zero shit from anyone but he’s also not a dick to his employees. However, because I know him so well, I can tell who he likes and doesn’t like. He definitely isn’t fond of Lisa, the HR lady, and I don’t blame him. She’s sort of mothering and smothering and has her nose all up in everyone’s shit. I saw the look she gave him when I asked to speak to him privately. She acted like he might do something inappropriate with me and I didn’t like it. Though, I have to wonder why she would think that.
It’s the end of my first week, and I’m more than happy to get out of here. I’m meeting Christa and our other friend Lauryn for dinner and drinks, and I absolutely need it.
I load into the elevator and as it’s closing, I see a large hand push open the doors. I follow the arm up to the face to see Carter.
“Sorry! I just hate waiting for it to go all the way down then all the way back up,” he says with a smile.
“Understandable,” I reply. I again hit the lobby floor button, even though it’s already illuminated, since I’m awkward like that, and watch the numbers on the screen count down.
Being alone with him in here is weird. And giving me romance novel vibes. Secretly making out with my boss in the elevator while no one’s watching.
Is it hot in here?
I glance at my boss.
“So, how was your first week?” he asks as if he’s desperate to break the horrid silence.
“It was awesome. Jeff’s a great boss. Very patient. And had plenty to keep me busy.”
Jeff is my direct supervisor, which means he assigns my workload and does my yearly employee performance evaluations.
“Well, he’s been begging me to hire another person for months. So you can thank him for the opening,” he says rather dryly and impersonal.
“Oh... okay. I will then,” I say with a forced smile.
He doesn’t reply and we ride the rest of the way in heavy silence.
Finally, the elevator reaches1, thenL, indicating the lobby. I can’t wait to get out of here. It’s oppressive and stuffy and the awkwardness is just so damn weird.
God, I need a drink.
“Enjoy your weekend,” he says curtly as he exits the elevator.
“You too. Sir.”
I doubt he heard me, he was walking so fast.
Out of curiosity, I watch as he exits through the front doors of the massive building. I see him stand under the building’s awning. An older man gets out of the car, pops open an umbrella since our normal afternoon rain has really picked up, and heads over to Carter, putting the umbrella over his head and then ushers him into a waiting black town car.
Seriously? He has a driver and can’t be bothered to carry his own umbrella?
Carter, you’re a tool.