Page 74 of Mile High Contract
I wave a dismissive hand. “Not at all.”
He walks away and I plug in my username and password to start my day.
After a couple of hours, an instant message pops up on my screen:My office pls. Grab a folder with papers in it and bring it with you.
The top of the message has Carter’s name. Weird, but okay.
I grab a manilla folder that has all my work tickets in it and my tablet and head down the hall to his office. I greet Briana. “Hi, Mr. Lockwood wanted to see me?”
She smiles and points to his door. “Yes, go ahead and go through.”
“Thanks,” I say, knocking twice and opening the door.
Carter sits behind his desk and looks fierce in a crisp charcoal gray shirt and shiny blue tie.
“Hi,” I say.
He turns to smile at me. “Hello yourself.”
I just stand there awkwardly, not sure what he wants me to do. It’s so weird that I can be so comfortable and act myself at his house, but in here, I feel like a child asking my dad if I can go to a sleepover at a friend’s house.
Not that I knew my dad, but still.
“Close the door and come here,” he says quietly, and I head toward him. I go around his desk and he pulls me to sit in his lap. He smells absolutely insane and I want to rub myself all over him like a cat.
“Hi,” he says against my lips, and then kisses me.
I’m still holding the folder and tablet so I set them on the desk and then put my hand on the back of his head as we kiss.
“I missed you yesterday. I just had to see you,” he says after he pulls away slightly.
“I’m glad,” I say. “Because I thought for sure I was going to get a spanking in here for breaking into your computer.”
“That’ll be later. At my house. With my leather flogger.”
My eyes widen. “Really?”
“Absolutely. Or I might make you wear a toy in your panties all day at work and then I’ll remotely turn it on to turnyouon sporadically throughout the day.”
I gasp. “You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, yes, I would.”
“Carter! I can’t be sitting at my desk having orgasms all day. Plus, wouldn’t my coworkers hear it?” I ask.
He smirks. “Probably.”
I smack him on the chest and get up. “I need to get back to work.”
Carter adjusts himself through the outside of his black slacks and says, “I’d rather bend you over this desk, but yes, better get back to it. I don’t need the smell of sex and your perfume lingering in here for Briana and my two o’clock meeting to discover.” He smacks my ass.
I lick my lips and check my reflection in my electronic tablet to make sure I don’t have lipstick smeared on my face before I walk out of the office, swaying my hips a little more than usual. I much prefer that treatment to the one he’s been giving me for the past couple of months.