Page 87 of Mile High Contract
“I am,” he murmurs, kissing the top of my head and squeezing me tighter to him.
I squirm to get free of his grip and prop myself up on my arm. “Wanna talk about it?”
He looks like he’s warring with himself and finally says, “There’s an issue with the club.”
“The Mile High Rooms?” I ask, surprised. I thought he was going to say he was stressed at work or something.
“Yes,” he replies, staring into my eyes. “They might get shut down.”
“Why?” I ask, eyes wide.
“Long story short, someone took a video inside the club of a politician’s husband engaging with one of the working girls and sent it to her. She’s out for blood and wants the club shut down,” he says quietly.
“So... he cheats on her and it’s the club’s fault?” I ask, incredulous. “Sounds like seriously misplaced anger.”
“You’re right, it is. People do weird things when they’re angry though. Jim told me she can’t divorce him because she has to keep up her image, plus, he comes from old money and funds all of her campaigns, so I guess her solution is to take away his means of cheating.” He clicks his tongue. “Stupid, I know.”
“Not cool,” I say, laying my head back down on his warm chest. “What are you guys gonna do?”
“Jim’s looking into literally trying to pay her off and promising her the husband’s banned permanently from the club. I don’t know that bribery’s such a good idea, but he’s gonna talk to an attorney.”
“And you’re worried,” I conclude.
“Yes and no. I’ll be fine financially without the club, but the money is nice. It nets me a couple million every year. I invest it for my future, but some of it does go back into the business. For the first two years, I used it to pay cash for this house and the two cars, so I could be debt free,” he admits.
The nerd in me finds it highly attractive that he saved up and is debt free in his personal life. It means he has security. Something all girls look for. I have no idea what he pays himself for a salary though, but I figure one day I’ll ask. Just not today.
“But you wouldn’t miss the club personally if it shut down,” I state more than ask.
“No, I don’t need it. I never have. Like I told you, I only utilized it once or twice with consensual women. No working girls,” he tells me.
For some weird reason that doesn’t make me feel better, probably because I’m in love with him and the thought of him with anyone else leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Which I acknowledge is ridiculous since he’s thirty-five years old and hasn’t ever been married.
“That’s a lot of money to lose yearly, but honestly, if there are paid sex workers there, this Jim guy could be in a lot of trouble. Like, criminally. He knows that right?” I ask.
“Yes, he does. That’s why he’s talking to a lawyer. The guy knows he’s been skating on thin ice this whole time with regards to that. I did advise him at one point to stop paying them, but he said they brought in better revenue for the club.”
Something comes to me. “You haven’t invested in this club, have you? I mean, I know you created the app but you don’t own stocks or partial ownership or anything, right?”
“No. Jim offered me twenty percent with a buy-in fee but I turned it down. Something in my gut told me not to. I’m glad I didn’t,” he admits.
I feel relieved. “Good. When I was working at the law firm, I used to read case files when I was bored. The federal government does not play around with this stuff. Even partial owners or stockholders would get in trouble for criminal shit the owners would do. They’d make these stockholders plead down to probation and a fine, but they were still considered felons after that. The feds play super dirty. The state isn’t much better in their prosecutorial ways.”
“Fuck,” he mutters, looking down at me. “I’m glad I didn’t. I just hope Jim will be okay.”
“I think after this, if he’s successful in paying this politician off, that he should get rid of the sex workers altogether. If he’s got a license for the club, a liquor license, and everybody’s there consensually and not being paid, he should be just fine,” I say.
“He knows that, as I’ve said the same and I’m sure his attorney will also reiterate that.”
I lean up and breathe against his lips, “Everything will be okay. Now kiss me.”
He smiles and wraps me in his arms, obeying my command.