Page 97 of Mile High Contract
“Wait a second. Let me see something.” She scrolls up the texts and I see her clicking on a video.
“Maybe you shouldn’t watch that,” I say, trying to snatch the phone but she pulls it out of reach.
“This is me with my friends that night you showed up. That’s how you knew I was at the club drinking? This psycho was there filming me?” She shudders. “That’s so gross and creepy. How did she even know me?”
“When you say she’s unhinged, you’re not wrong. She recognized your picture from the photo of Eric and me with you at your graduation. She’s utterly obsessed with me and knew Eric went to prison and that you’re his sister.”
She looks at me speculatively then down at the video.
“Do you believe me?”
She hands me back the phone. “Yeah.” She blows out a breath. “I’m sorry.”
I sit back on the bed and put my hands on her face. “Sorry for what?”
“For ghosting you. Kinda. I... I just didn’t know what to think. I knew you’d say she was your crazy ex because that’s what she said you’d say.” She smiles with tears in her eyes. “But you brought receipts and now I want to go beat her ass.”
Chuckling, I rub my finger along her jaw. “No, the restraining order will piss her off enough, trust me. I’m calling my attorney as soon as you get your fine ass back to work.” I lean down, remove her oxygen mask, and kiss her softly. I’m relieved when she kisses me back. “I love you, Taryn. I always will. Please don’t forget that. I will always be honest and upfront with you. You don’t even have to doubt me. Cheaters are disgusting. I’m not like that. I never will be.”
“I love you, too. Thank you.”
I kiss her on the forehead and smooth her hair down. “You look beautiful.”
She chuckles lightly. “Right.”
“Tell me what happened.” I point to the oxygen mask, the machine it’s attached to making occasionally hissing noises.
She shrugs like it’s no big deal. “Drank too much wine, fell asleep at my mom’s, knowing I couldn’t drive home, woke up in the ER.”
“Were you alone at your mom’s?” I ask, suspicious.
“Christa and I were drinking on the patio, she left, I fell asleep. Apparently, she forgot her phone and drove back an hour later. I’m not sure how she even went that long realizing it was missing since it’s usually attached to her hand. She couldn’t get in so she went around back where I’d fortunately left the sunroom’s door open and the door to the house unlocked. She grabbed her phone but saw me on the floor and rushed inside. She couldn’t wake me. Then she called 911.”
I stare at her in horror. “So basically if she hadn’t forgotten her phone, you’d be dead right now.Dead!”
“I guess when you put it that way,” she jokes weakly.
“This isn’t funny, Taryn. Why aren’t there carbon monoxide detectors in the house? That’s so fucking irresponsible!” I snap.
“Calm down, geez. There are, the batteries are dead. It’s not like anyone lives there, we don’t remember to change them every six months at daylight savings time.”
“That’s it. I’m calling a Safety company and having them and Smart smoke detectors professionally installed. Is it even safe to go back in the house?” I ask, pulling out my phone to start searching for Safety companies.
“No, the city has to clear it before any humans or animals can go back in,” she answers.
“Perfect, then you’re staying with me,” I say.
She laughs. “I have my own condo.”
“You’re not responsible enough to live alone apparently. So no, you’re staying with me.”
I hold up a hand. “I’ll grab some clothes. When are you getting out of here?”
“Today, I think.”