Page 40 of Sinful Boss
“Nah, rotator cuff tear.”
“That’s what I thought. Are you in a lot of pain still?” I ask.
“Yes and no.”
“Quinn, party of two!”
We look up to see a lady in a colorful dress with ruffles and a big flower in her hair smiling at us. She seats us at a table for two, and a young man in an apron brings us chips and salsa.
“Thanks,” I say to him.
He nods and walks off.
“To answer your question, the sling helps. When I keep it still, it doesn’t hurt as much. And good news, well, that’s the so-so news, is that I got the so-so news out of the way first. So we can eat our tacos and talk about the good news!”
She’s so fucking cute and charming, it’s infectious.
She dips a chip in the salsa and shoves the whole thing in her mouth. I watch her lips with interest and then look into her eyes.
“Is it spicy?” I ask.
She shakes her head, and then swallows, using a glass of water. “Not to me, but I’m pretty sure my tastebuds are ruined because I’ve been eating spicy food since I was just a little ankle biter.”
I laugh again at her. I don’t think I’ve laughed as much in my entire life as I have just the few times I’ve been alone in her presence. “Well, I’m not a big fan of spicy, but I’ll try some.” I dip the chip in and take a bite. It’s got a kick, but I can handle it.
“So, do you wanna hear my other good news?” she asks excitedly.
“Of course I do.”
“Oh, by the way, I meant to tell you that you look very nice this evenin’. All that black makes your eyes pop. I think I like it better than the suits.”
I shift uncomfortably, not used to compliments and outright flirting. “Well, thank you, Quinn. You look very nice yourself. Metallica fan?”
She looks down at her shirt, which is mostly covered by the sling. “I love all the seventies and eighties rock bands. I’m kind of an old soul that way, I guess.”
I nod, unsure of what to say to that.
“Well, first bit of good news is that my probation officer is ending my term of probation early! I had about a year left, but she said it’s ’cause a my good behavior and clean UAs, plus I had no priors, just the incident with Garrett. Isn’t that amazin’? I was so happy I almost peed myself!”
I choke on the chip I’m about to swallow and grab the water, half choking and half laughing.
“Ah! Gotcha!” she says. “Maybe you should take smaller bites, mister smarty pants.”
I nod and swallow the water. “You’re right. Smaller bites.”
The server comes up and takes our orders.
“And I’ll have a big ol’ peach margarita. I’m celebratin’,” she tells the server, a young, clean-cut guy wearing all black.
“Blended or on the rocks?” he asks.
“Blended for sure.”
“And you, sir?” he asks me.
“What beers do you have?”
“Modelo, Dos Equis, Corona, and a few domestics on tap.”