Page 54 of Sinful Boss
“How ya doin’?” he asks us both in a thick New York accent.
“Very well,” Quinn responds.
“I’ve met your father several times. Tell him Lincoln Silverstone says hello and congratulations on his retirement.”
The elevator doors open, and they step out. “Will do.”
“They seem nice,” Quinn says as they step off, along with the other four people who’d been riding with us.
I wait for the doors to close before I say, “Yes, they do. Their father, however, is a cantankerous old bastard. God, is he a prick.”
Quinn coughs a laugh. “That’s hilarious. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say an ill word about anyone before. He must be bad. If that’s whatcantankerousmeans.”
“Crabby, cranky, grouchy, insufferable. Is that better?” I ask with a grin.
“Oh, yeah, definitely. Sounds like my pawpaw when Memaw forgets to pick up coffee and they run out.”
“I can be quite cantankerous without my caffeine, as well.”
“Same, honey. Same.” She laughs.
We reach our doors. “Do you still want to order dinner up and relax with me tonight?” I ask.
“One hundred percent yes,” she replies. “Let me change outta these stuffy clothes and I’ll be right over in two shakes of a lamb’s tail.”
I chuckle. “Okay.”
I watch her go into her suite and then I enter mine. I quickly change into a pair of gray sweatpants and a gray, blue, and orange Denver Broncos tee. Then, I pull up the website to the restaurant downstairs and scroll through the menu.
A knock at the door has me up. I quickly open it to see Quinn dressed in jean shorts and a low-cut Van Halen tank top. “Come on in,” I say. “I was just looking at the menu.”
“Well, I ain’t too hungry just yet. That lunch they fed us is still settlin’. I shouldn’t have eaten the whole sub. That thing was huge but delicious.”
I chuckle and set my phone down. “Okay, whatever you like.”
She grabs my hand and leads me to the bed, where we both sit. “Listen, I just want to get this out of the way now. I can’t help but feel like I disappointed you last night, and I want you to know that it’s literally not you, it’s me. I have… some issues.”
“It’s fine, Quinn. Do you want to talk about them?”
She nods and slides some hair behind her ear. “I have gone to therapy about this. And yes, I still go sometimes. When I was with my ex… you know he was abusive. I hated him more than I knew at the time. I felt like I had little control over any aspect of my life. He controlled the money, decided on what house we lived in, even would check the mileage on my car, read through my cell phone to see if I was talkin’ to other men. Which is ridiculous, by the way. I would never cheat on someone I was with, no matter how much I hated them.”
Oh, my God. I want to run this guy over with my car.
“That’s understandable,” I soothe, putting my hand on her leg. “Go on, I’m listening.”
She looks down as she continues, like she can’t look me in the eye. “The only control I had was in the bedroom. Not to go into too many details, but I basically stopped lettin’ myself feel during sex. I would fake it sometimes, but sometimes he knew I was faking it. The bottom line is… me not havin’ an orgasm was my only control over him. I realized through therapy I was doing it to punish him.”
She sniffles, then looks up and gazes into my eyes. “I want you to know that was not what I was doin’ to you last night. It was all me. I was too inside my own dang head. Even though it’s been three years, it was ingrained in me to hold onto that control. But it was harder than ever. What you were doin’ felt so good. You definitely know how to please a woman.”
I reach up and stroke her cheek with my thumb. “I’m sorry you went through that. May I ask a personal question?”
“Of course,” she says with a smile.
“Have you tried achieving it with a toy? A vibrator? Or your hands?”
She nods and stares at me. “Oh, yeah, I can arrive pretty fast with those, but only when I’m by myself. Which sounds silly to say since I’ve never used them with anyone else.”
My dick twitches at the visual of her on her back on her bed, a toy inside her, her legs shaking as she makes herself come.