Page 10 of I Blame the Dimples
“He was! I mean he is. Irritating.” I wince, hearing how weak that sounded. I try again, “Look, Wes annoys me with his sparkling green eyes and flirty tendencies, but otherwise he’s a good friend. He didn’t need to give me a hug today in the middle of the foyer, but he did. I think that qualifies as solid friend points.” Stella’s mouth drops open.
“Hold up. First off, you literally listed his attractiveness as his only flaw. Second, why did you not tell me before now you two hugged?! This is the stuff I live for. And third, what triggered the hug? I feel like I’m missing the whole puzzle at this point.”
I sigh, willing myself to open up.Pick the version you want, Trip.
“I’m sure you noticed I get a little… hesitant to join things.” The kindness in Stella’s eyes encourages me to continue. “High school was tough for me. Really tough. By second semester of tenth grade, I was counting down the days until graduation. The cliques at my school were brutally exclusive and I didn’t belong to any of them. Any time I tried out for a team or joined a club, I was ignored. Doesn’t sound so bad, but when you’re a teen struggling with acne and hormones, the inability to fit in feels like the end of the world. And now… well, I guess a part of me is scared Taber will turn into a second round of high school.”
Nothing like dumping three years of teenage angst onto my new roommate while she eats her grilled chicken and spinach salad. Can we get the cheque please?
“Oh, Lou. I am so sorry that happened to you. The kids at your school sound like dicks, no offence.”
I laugh, “None taken.”
Reaching across the table to grab a hold of my hand, Stella stares intently at me. Dark blue eyes meet my grey. “I promise university is going to be different. I’m new here as well, and together we will make the most of it. There are no cliques at university, maybe a few bromances on the varsity teams, but even those guys aren’t so bad. Look at your Wes. Or Cody.”
“He’s not my Wes. Wait, Cody’s on the lacrosse team as well?”
Stella nods, “He’s team captain this year. Played with my older brother last year and now they’re the best of friends.” Rolling her eyes, she diverts the conversation back to reassurance.
“My point is you don’t have to hold back at Taber. You can try as much or as little as you want.” Giving my hands a squeeze, she sits back in her chair.
“You can be anyone you want here, Lou. No one is going to judge you.”
The similarities between Stella’s pep talk and the one Wes gave me earlier is enough to give me goosebumps. There must be something in the air because I’ve never known so many young adults so full of wisdom. Not that I know that many young adults, but still. Creepy.
“Thank you, Stella. Now, one last question before we hit the dessert table.” Eyeing up my admittedly unbalanced dinner, Stella waves a hand for me to continue.
“Do you have to look like an Abercrombie model to be a varsity athlete or is it only the lacrosse team?” A playful smile spreads across Stella’s face.
“Now that my dear Lou, is a question I’mdying to know the answer to.”
You know when you have a question about a person you don’t want to talk about so you end up asking about adifferentperson hoping it will eventually come back around to the one youactuallywant to talk about? A complicated process, I know, but luckily stealth and subtly are my specialty.
Like any veteran, I make sure all factors are taken into consideration.
Location? Check. Weight room with the team. Nothing like a testosterone pump to get a conversation going.
Target? Check. Cody is making his way over to the dumbbell rack, which is next to the bench press, where Nico and I are currently stationed.
Damn I’m good.
“Hey Cap, what’s the deal between you and Stella?”
Stopping mid-bend on his way to the heavier weights, Cody straightens and looks me dead in the eye. “What’s the deal between you andTrip, Wes?”
Shot down before I step on the battlefield.
I take a second to help Nico lift the barbell off the rack. “Oh you know… anyways, I was just wondering whether you think Trip likes me.” I hear laughter splutter from the bench beneath me and see Cody’s lips start to twitch.
Shit. I’m not living this one down any time soon.
“When you say like do you mean… like or likelikeyou?” Nico sounds like he’s having a full-on asthma attack by this point, so I make no effort to help restack the barbell. The laughing traitor can do it himself.
I know Cody’s taking the piss out of me, but the fact he’s managed to keep a semi-straight face throughout this exchange is something I can’t help but admire. The guy’s either got the best self-control or some seriously strong face muscles. My bet’s on both.
“Ha-ha. What I mean is… do you think Trip sees me as a friend? I joke around with her a lot, and I just want to make sure I don’t come off as a total douchebag.” It was the look of surprise that got me. The fact Trip genuinely seemed shocked I am capable of being a nice guy hurt more than I care to admit.