Page 5 of I Blame the Dimples
I contemplate calling my mother to kill time but immediately shoot down the idea. I don’t want to her to be worried I’m calling five hours into my residence experience. Plus, I already know she would question my choice to stay home tonight, which for the record, I am perfectly content with.
American Idiot fades into Basket Case, and I smile, feeling relieved someone else is being the melodramatic fool.
I hear the exterior door bang open, and I scurry over to peek my head out. Mine and Stella's rooms are connected through the living room, so to get to the actual dorm door, we have to walk past two stained couches facing an ancient television set. There’s a microwave across from the living area, which I’m assuming classifies itself as the kitchen, and our shared bathroom juts out next to our front door. The bathroom consists of one toilet and the tiniest shower ever made, so if I ever want to shave my legs again, I am going to have to increase my flexibility. Drastically.
My attention turns to my roommate, who is slumped against the closed door, eyes closed and looking utterly exhausted. I shuffle out of my room and awkwardly clear my throat.
“Uh, Stella? Are you okay?”
Startled, she lifts her head and looks around the room. Spotting me, a tired smile creeps along her face, “Don’t mind me, Lou. How has your evening been?”
“It’s been… good. Finished unpacking.” I gesture towards my room, mentally bracing myself for Stella’s questions as to why I’m not out partying my first night at university.
She smiles, “Well, I think this TV is older than my grandpa but I’m going to try and get some Netflix playing. Do you want to join me?” Her response takes me by surprise. Where are the accusations of not putting myself out there? Of being lame for staying home instead of going out?
“I would love to.” I hesitantly sit down on one of the couches – should probably sanitize these too – as Stella crouches in front of the dinosaur technology. After a few minutes of tinkering, she pumps her fist in victory, and tosses me the remote.
“Go ahead, pick our movie. I have a feeling there will be a lot of movie nights this year, so we can take turns choosing.” She throws me a wink and jogs to her room.
I slowly scroll through the streaming options, second guessing each one I stop on. I can’t remember the last time I had a movie night with a nonfamily member, and suddenly choosing the right movie has never felt so important.
Stella rejoins me in sweats and a sweatshirt, her small frame all but disappearing under the baggy clothes.
“Ooh, excellent choice! This is one of my favourites.” I look at the screen and smile despite my nerves. Tonight’s movie is none other than Despicable Me. I click play and toss the remote on the ground, willing my anxiety to calm down.
Stella plops herself down right beside me, and I jolt in surprise. She could have had an entire couch to herself, yet she chooses to snuggle up next to me, a complete stranger. Her long hair brushes my arm as she makes herself comfortable, casually throwing a blanket over our legs as if we didn’t just meet a few hours ago.
I marvel at Stella’s easy demeanour, one that doesn’t reflect someone who is experiencing her first friend hangout in three years. Willing my body to follow her lead, I shuffle down on the couch and soon laughter fills the room as Gru and his minions’ villainous exploits unfold on-screen.
My nervousness from earlier all but dissipates as the screen turns to credits and Stella snatches the remote from the ground, pressing play on the sequel before I can think of going to bed. A foreign feeling fills my chest, and it takes me a moment to identify what it is: excitement. Excitement that I may have found a new friend, and maybe, just maybe, a dash of excitement for the year ahead.
Because as far as first days go, this one didn’t turn out so bad.
Chapter 4
Sweat drips down my neck as I sprint across the field.
I would say we are finishing practice with a friendly rally but given all three rookies got put on the same team, it feels more like a test than anything. Seeing Cody’s defence line closing in on Hunter’s breakaway, I quickly swerve right, raising my stick to signal a pass. Without hesitation, Hunter tosses me the ball and I catch it easily in my stick’s mesh netting. Swivelling and putting all my power into my throwing arm, I hurl the ball as hard as I can towards the net, holding my breath until I see it glide past the goalie’s outstretched hand.
My team breaks into cheer and Cody runs up to slap me on the back. “Keep that up and we might win some games this year.”
Turning to address the rest of the team, our team captain waves everyone in. “Excellent hustle today, boys. I am pleased with both teams’ performances but I’m afraid a deal’s a deal.” Groans go up from the guys wearing blue jerseys.
“Red team can hit the showers, blue team you’re on clean up duty. Pack up the equipment and don’t forget the 100 push ups.” Taking a second to hand out a round of high fives, I split off from the red batch and circle back to help the losing team pack up.
“Wes, I didn’t know you were coloured blind. The jersey on your back means you’re clear to go.” Cody points to the group of guys heading towards the showers.
I shrug, continuing to bag lacrosse sticks. “Doesn’t matter what side I’m on Cap; if my teammates lose, I do too.” Cody looks at me for a moment then nods.
“In that case, don’t forget the push ups.” I give him a salute, and with a laugh, my team captain wanders over to help dissemble the nets.
Shaking wet hair out of my eyes, I walk out of the men’s changerooms and spot none other than the girl who ghosted me scurrying down the hall, arms teetering with books.
“Lou! Hey, I was wondering when I’d seen you again. Makes it a little more challenging when I’m left on read.” Quickening my pace to catch up, I shoot her a grin to let her know I’m joking. Lou winces, her shockingly pretty eyes meeting mine.
“Sorry about that. I was pretty tired… and didn’t want to get knocked down for a second time that day.” She gives me a hesitant smile and I bark out a laugh, pleased she’s just as snarky as I remember.