Page 50 of I Blame the Dimples
When was the tolerance supposed to kick in again?
Nico quirks an eyebrow at me, “That’s all I’m getting? It wentwell?” I throw him a wink as I walk to the bathroom to do up my tie.
“Let’s just say, Trip falling into my dressing room and getting us kicked out was not the worst way to spend an afternoon.” Nico bursts out laughing.
“That is the worst hookup cover story I have ever heard.” My fingers are too tied up to flip him off, so I shrug instead.
“It’s the truth. Although I did find out Trip can be quite the firecracker when she wants to be.” I chuckle to myself, thinking about her comeback to the snarky blonde.
Nico watches me silently from the couch.
“You scare me when you don’t talk. What’s up?” If his penetrating stare burns a hole through my new shirt, I’m going to be pissed.
“You like her a lot.” It isn’t a question so much as a statement.
I do one last double-check to make sure my tie is secure, then walk over and sit on the couch opposite. Two lacrosse players are two people too many for residential furniture.
Straightening himself up to mirror my position, Nico waits for my response. Exhaling slowly, I confess the truth we have both known for a while, “I do, man. I really do.”
Dark eyes scan my face, picking up on cues no one other than my best friend would know to look for. “You don’t need to worry, Wes. You are a good guy. You won’t ruin Trip the way Jerrell ruined Lace.” The sound of his name does nothing to ease the churning in my gut.
“I just… don’t want to hurt her.” My voice cracks as memories of my sister’s incident come rushing back.
Lacey always struggled when it came to boys. Her tall stature and natural dramatic flair – taught by yours, truly – made it so boys were too intimidated to talkto her, let alone ask her out. That all changed the summer she turned sixteen.
Just like the flowers I buy for her birthday every year; that summer, Lacey began to bloom. Her long, dangly limbs suddenly became lean and elegant, while her theatrical tendencies became perceived as confident rather than awkward. Lacey came into her own, and it was only a matter of time until she brought some lucky bastard home.
When the new kid on the block – a preppy kid named Jerrell Thompson – started showing up at the local parties, we all took interest. Fresh blood doesn’t come around very often, especially blood that comes from money. Jerrell became a target for every hetero girl and every homo boy – Nico included – but the new kid already had his own target picked.
My sister.
They were together for six months, two of which Nico and I took turns vetting the kid like drill sergeants until even we succumbed to his charms. Lacey seemed over the moon, and as a big brother, I couldn’t ask for anything more. It wasn’t until after the incident that the truth about Jerrell’s harassment came out.
And by then, she’d already tried to take her own life.
I will never forget the sight of my baby sister lying in a hospital bed, tubes coming out of her body after the doctors had to pump her stomach to get rid of the pills she took. I will never forget the feeling of overwhelming guilt that still lingers to this day. As a big brother, I had one job to do. And I failed.
I failed to protect my little sister.
Squeezing the bridge of my nose to counteract the burning sensation in my eyes, I feel the couch cushions dip as Nico sits himself down next to me. A warm arm wraps around my shoulders and I curse as a single tear leaks out.
“Listen to me, Wes.” Nico gives my shoulders a shake, dragging my weary gaze up to his.
“What happened to Lacey is an anomaly. A horrendous one at that, but still an anomaly. There were a lot of different factors that led to Lace taking those pills, factors which aren’t even relevant in this thing you have with Trip.” Pausing to give me a questioning look, I nod for him to continue.
“Look man, all I’m saying is you have got to let go of the past. You can’t let the illusion that you failed as a big brother barricade the road to every potential romantic partner. Pretty soon your dashing good looks will be gone, and you'll still be all alone. And who’s going to want to take on your wrinkly ass then? Sure as shit not me.” I burst out laughing and the smile on Nico’s face tells me that was his intent all along.
“I want you to be happy. Hell, I want you to find someone whomakesyou happy. And you can’t do that unless you move on. Just because Lacey got torn apart doesn’t mean you’ll do the same thing to someone else. Trust yourself, man. And trust your partner.”
“Thanks, Nico.” Satisfied I’m back on stable ground, Nico unwinds his arm from my shoulders and pushes himself off the couch. Ruffling my hair before he walks away, Nico finishes his speech with a line that would make any award-winning coach proud.
“Now, cheer up, Rookie. There’s no crying on game day.”
Game day.
Otherwise known as my first date with Wes. Well, our first official date. Stella spent the better part of last night listing all the reasons why this isn’ttechnicallyour first romantic liaison, but the first outing asked by an interested party who happens to be one of my closest friends on campus, annoyingly attractive, and good at kissing. That’s it, that’s all.