Page 56 of I Blame the Dimples
“Ma’am, we can’t help him if you don’t let us move him.”
Tears stream down my roommate’s face as she shakes her head, refusing to let go. Mo sighs and walks over to his sister, crouching down to gently peel her grip off Cody’s unresponsive body.
“Stel, you gotta let go. This isn’t like last time. You will see Cody again, I promise.” Continuing to ease her hands away from his fallen comrade, Mo continues, “They need to take him to a hospital. Let them help him, Stel. You need to let go.”
Eventually, Stella lets herself be led away from Cody. The sight of Stella’s tear-stained face has my heart constricting painfully. The broken expression on her face reveals a devastation much deeper than today’s events on the lacrosse field.
Forcing myself to look away, I spot Wes talking to one of the paramedics. Helmet tucked under one arm, his expression grim and tired. As I approach the two men, I can’t help but overhear the end of their conversation.
“… in that case, I’d be happy to drive behind the ambulance and meet you at the hospital.”
“You’re not going to finish the game?” My question comes out louder than expected and Mo starts to make his way over, a deathly pale Stella in tow.
Wes jolts in surprise, “Trip! God, I’m so glad you’re here.” Wrapping me up in a bone-crushing hug, my arms find their way around his sweat-soaked neck and into his dishevelled hair. He smells surprisingly good for someone who has been running around a field for the last forty minutes.
“I am so sorry you had to see this. Most games aren’t like this, I promise.” Wes whispers the words in my ear, his warm breath sending tingles down my neck.
“Quit being so Canadian. You couldn’t have expected this would happen, and I’ve loved watching you play today. Areyouokay?” I pull back from our embrace, noting the dullness in his eyes that has taken the place of Wes’ signature sparkle. He looks crushed. Defeated.
“I’ve been better.” A rueful smile fights its way onto his face and without thinking, I pull him down for a kiss. The instant our lips touch I feel the weight lift off his shoulders. He wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me up, pressing me tight against his chest. Lost in a language only we understand, Wes spills the stress and tension he’s been holding inside while I offer him a safe place to land.
A cough pulls us apart and we both turn to see Mo standing with his arms crossed. Stella stares silently at the stretcher being carried towards Cody’s unconscious form.
“Did I hear you say you'renotfinishing the game?” The accusatory tone makes me wince, but Wes appears unfazed as he gently lowers me to the ground.
“That’s right. I’m heading to the hospital to wait and see what Cody’s results are.” Wes’ response has Mo venomously shaking his head.
“You will do no such thing. Your team needs you here, and Cody’s condition is not going to change whether you’re at the hospital in two minutes or twenty.” My jaw drops at Mo’s harsh words.
“I thought you two were friends?” Frosty blue eyes meet mine and I resist the urge to flinch.
“We are. And as his friend, I know that he would want Wes to finish the game without him.” Shifting his steely gaze from me to the rookie, Mo continues, “Don’t let the Tigers lose their first game in five years because of an injury.Avenge your fallen captain with a victory. Right here, right now.”
“If it were me in that ambulance, Cody would be riding its ass all the way to the hospital. Undefeated champions or not.” The clench in Mo’s jaw has me nervously shuffling my feet as the two men stare each other down.
“If you leave this field before the final quarter, you can kiss rookie-of-the-year goodbye.” I stare, aghast, at the unbelievably handsome yet cruel man throwing around ultimatums.
“You aren’t even on the team anymore. You can’t make those decisions.” My voice rings out over Wes’ frozen silence, the fierceness in my tone causing Mo’s eyes to widen in surprise.
He opens his mouth to respond when a feeble whisper cuts him off.
“She’s right.” We all turn to look at Stella as she sways unsteadily on her feet. Mo takes a step towards her, but I beat him to it, rushing over to support my roommate.
Stella glares defiantly at her brother, “You aren’t the captain anymore, Cody is. These arehisplayers, not yours. So, unless you have something to say that will help Cody’s condition, backoff.”
Stella sags into my arms as if the confrontation used up the last of her energy. Her furry tail and matching ears got lost along the way, and for some reason, the loss hits me harder than it should. I find myself blinking back tears as I brush aside a few stray platinum strands and pull her close.
Looking up, I see guilt and concern riddle Mo’s features as he takes in his sister’s exhausted state.
He sighs, running a hand down his face, “You need to rest, Stel. Why don’t I take you back to my hotel.” Seconds tick by, and I find myself holding my breath as we all wait for her verdict.
“I’d rather go to the hospital with Wes.” Raising her chin insolently, Stella gives her brother a pointed stare, “And after that, I’ll go home with Lou.”
Clenching his jaw hard enough to break molars, Mo gives us a terse nod. Spinning on his heel to return to the bleachers, Nico makes a sudden appearance, and Mo goes crashing into his tall, lanky body. The two men fall to the ground, limbs flailing as they each try to break their fall.
“Oof,” the air gets expelled out of Nico’s lungs as the dense lacrosse legend lands flat on top of him.
Trust me, I know the feeling.