Page 66 of I Blame the Dimples
“Ice cream?” A muffled scoff echoes from the kitchen.
“Please, I deserve more credit than that.” Tussled black hair and a cheeky smile come into view as Wes straightens from behind the open door. The polo shirt Wes is wearing stretches tight across his shoulders, outlining the hard planes of his chest.
I swallow, remembering the towel from the pre-show earlier, and try to focus on the green eyes that seem to glow brighter against the dark forest colour of his shirt.
“Chocolate ice cream?” I offer the suggestion with an eyebrow wiggle as Wes struts over with a single glass bowl.
“Not even close. Close your eyes.” Sighing, I clap my hands over my eyes. The couch cushions dip as Wes sits down beside me. My body naturally tilts towards his with the movement and I feel his arm reach out to steady me.
“Okay… open them.” Wes’ warm breath tickles my ear, and despite the warmth radiating from his body, a shiver runs down my spine.
I slowly remove my hands, holding my breath as I take in the non-existent space between us. My bare thigh presses against Wes’ jeans, his arm is all but wrapped around my waist to keep me steady. My gaze travels up to the glass dish being pressed against my side and I gasp, “I was right!”
Wes chuckles, the sound vibrating through me. “Technically, the ice cream is just an addition. What do you think?”
A grin splits my face as I take in the delicious smell of the cafeteria’s dessert poutine, complete with cinnamon sugar and chocolate sauce.
“I think dessert may very well beat our meatless tacos.” Wes smiles as he holds up two spoons, metal this time.
“Bon appetite.” Before Wes can finish his career as a waiter, I grab a spoon and the dish from his hands, dashing from the couch to make a breakaway. Given the four feet of space, I make it two steps from the sofa before Wes grabs me by the waist and wrestles me onto his lap.
“That was mine!” I squeal with outrage as he takes my spoon and steals the first bite, moaning loudly as the sweet blend melts on his tongue. I push against his chest to steal back my spoon, but Wes leans back and holds it just out of my reach.
“That’s what you get for not wanting to share. Didn’t your mother tell you sharing is caring?” I scowl at his handsome face, the furrow of my brows deepening the divots of his dimples.
“You’re annoying.” Wes clucks his tongue, scooping another large bite.
“Maybe if you ask nicely, I’ll let you have some.” I narrow my eyes at him, watching him slowly chew another bite of the poutine.
Fine, two can play at that game.
“Kind sir,” looking at him from beneath my lashes makes me see double but desperate times and all that.
“May I pretty please have some ofmydessert?”
I flutter my lashes for extra effect and Wes laughs, “Don’t appreciate the sarcasm, but I’ll take it.”
Beaming in triumph, I watch Wes scoop the perfect fry to ice cream ratio and offer it to me. Keeping my eyes trained on his, I lean forward and take the spoon in my mouth.
Sighing with content, I pull back and lick my lips, enjoying the way Wes’ eyes darken with the movement. Gently removing the spoon from his hand, I dip it back into the dessert and hold it up to his mouth. He opens without hesitation, and I watch breathlessly as he skims his tongue along the bottom of the spoon before taking a bite.
Whoa. Does this qualify as foreplay?
Caught in an emerald stare, I feel my breath catch as Wes raises his finger to lightly trace my bottom lip. His finger runs past my jaw, gently tapping the soft skin of my throat as I swallow. Wes leans forward and I meet him halfway, our lips crashing together in a tangle of tongues and teeth.
Any slow burn from earlier falls away as a fiery need sweeps its way across the room. I grip the front of Wes’ polo shirt tightly as he hoists my hips higher on his own. My dress creeps up until it’s just the thin lining of my panties against the hard ridge of his jeans.
I gasp at the sensation and the sound seems to trigger something inside Wes, making him abruptly pull away. Our heavy breathing fills the room, and Wes’ gaze scans across my flushed face.
“Maybe we should slow down. Unless you’re ready, I mean…” He curses, trying to shift my hips so they aren’t pressing against the bulge in his pants. I bite back a smile at his fumbling.
“Not that I’m expecting anything, I just… shit. This is coming out all wrong, and I can’t think when you’re looking at me like that.” Shaking his head, Wes squeezes his eyes shut, sexual energy radiating from his every pore.
Shifting so my body position is less of a distraction, I softly tap his chest.
Peeling his eyes ever-so-slowly open, I can tell from Wes’ heavy breathing that he’s feeling out of control right now. He nervously shifts beneath me, an uncertain expression on his face. I reach out to brush the dark, midnight strands from his forehead, and smile at the overconfident rookie who seems to have lost his confidence.