Page 8 of I Blame the Dimples
“Alright roomie, what’s your deal? We’ve been here over an hour, and you haven’t written your email down once…”
“Stella? Hey, I thought that was you.” I’m saved from interrogation when a stocky blonde guy wanders over from the snack line. When student budgets are present, there will always be a line when it comes to free food.
“Oh hey, Cody. I didn’t see you at the gym this morning. Second day and already slacking, huh?” Her tone is teasing but the glint in her eyes doesn’t look so friendly. Feeling like I’ve walked into the middle of something, I shift awkwardly from side-to-side as the gym offender shrugs and smiles in response.
“Practice started earlier today and I wanted to check out the new rookies. I would have skipped if I knew my absence would bother you so much.”
Stella laughs, the spell seemly broken as she playfully slaps his arm. I try not to stare at Cody’s insanely broad shoulders, which give the term a mountain of a man a whole new meaning. His arms aren’t any smaller, and the veins running down his forearms attest to that fact. If Hugh Jackman was four inches shorter, two inches wider, sported a blonde fauxhawk, and lost the accent; Cody would be a shoo-in for his next movie.
“Cody, meet my room-
“TRIP!” I groan as familiar tussled dark hair and sparkling green eyes come into view. “I almost didn’t recognize you without bags, books, or boxes weighing you down.” Throwing me a wink, Wes saunters over to give Cody a side bro hug.
“Cody, this is my good friend Trip. I make her a little nervous, so she has a tendency to drop things around me.” I grumble under my breath, purposefully ignoring the dimpled grin sent my way.
Turning his attention to the one person he hasn’t met yet, Wes turns towards Stella and sweeps into an extravagant bow, “And who might be this flawless friend of Trip’s? Milady, it is my greatest pleasure.”
I wouldn’t have pegged Wes as a Duke from the eighteenth century, yet here we are.
My roommate giggles and ducks into a curtsy, “I’m Stella. You must be Wes.Triphas told me so much about you.” Seeing my glare, she blows me a kiss.
Cody, who’d been silently watching the exchange up to this point, sticks out his hand, “Nice to meet you, Trip.” Gritting my teeth, I shake his hand.
In my peripheral, I can see Stella biting her lip trying not to laugh. I turn my volatile stare onto Wes, but before any permanent damage can occur, Cody takes control of the conversation.
“So, have you ladies found any clubs to join?” I instinctively stiffen, knowing what’s about to come.
“We sure have! Well, I’ve signed up for a few. My roommate is a little pickier with who she hands her email out to.” Cody chuckles and his response sends buried emotions rushing to the surface.
Blinking rapidly, I duck my head and stare at my converse, willing the burning sensation to fade. Oblivious to my melodramatics, Stella and Cody continue to chat away. I take a few deep breaths, trying to compose myself.
When I finally look up, a pair of sparkling emeralds stare back at me.
Without a word, Wes takes my hand and leads me away from the gym duo. I swallow thickly, embarrassed he witnessed my emotional moment. Opening my mouth to apologize, I don’t get the chance to say anything before Wes performs his most shocking charade yet.
He pulls me into a hug.
I didn't plan on hugging Lou, but damn if it doesn’t feel right.
Seeing her eyes fill up with tears seconds earlier just about broke my heart. Unlike most guys I know, crying girls don’t freak me out, and I don’t do the whole pretend-I-didn’t-see-anything act. Having delt with my sister’s hormonal years growing up, I developed a sixth sense for when people of the opposite sex need comforting. Sounds creepy, I know, but I promise it’s strictly platonic.
For two painful seconds, Lou remains stiff in my arms before folding herself into my embrace. Was I worried she would pull away and march off? Not in the slightest.
I am the world’s greatest hugger and that’s beforeyou take my incredible physique into consideration. Human form of catnip, at your service.
Resting my chin atop Lou’s head, I’m suddenly distracted by the amazing smell coming from her hair. It’s not fruity exactly... I got it. It’s coconut with a touch of vanilla.
Shit. I’ve just found my new favourite scent.
Inhaling Lou’s hair like it’s a line of cocaine, I’m suddenly aware of two perky breasts pressing against my chest. She hasn’t made a move to pull away, but suddenly the lack of space between us is getting a little too comfortable. I loosen my hold and take a couple of steps back, not wanting to ruin the moment with a surprise semi.
See? Strictly platonic.
Lou blinks at me as a pink hue tinges her cheeks. “I’m so sorry, I just... thank you. I really needed that.” The surprise in her eyes when I don't make a smart-ass comment is enough to make me feel bad.
“Anytime. I mean it. University is a tough time for everyone, don’t let the partying and club memberships fool you.” My words hit their mark and Lou visibly relaxes, dropping her shoulders and nodding slowly.