Page 12 of Becca's Trouble
Becca liked her instantly.
“Do I want a burger or steak?” Marcie asked, perusing the menu.
“Burger,” Genie and Becca said in unison.
Marcie laughed. “How do you know me so well?”
Genie smirked and tipped her beer bottle toward Marcie. “You’re an open book.”
“What she said,” Becca agreed, not wanting to tell her she was an easy read. Some people easily broadcast what they’re feeling, while others, like Cameron, were a closed book. Most times, she had to work at getting to his feelings, where Marcie breathed them into the air for anyone with even the slightest empathic abilities could read.
And Becca’s weren’t slight in the least. She couldn’t even block them anymore if she tried, not since years of taking Emerich’s cocktails to enhance her abilities. While she couldn’t always entice people to do what she wanted any longer, she definitely knew how they were feeling and could sometimes pick up thoughts, but that was one secret she would never share. Not even with her sisters.
It was better if they all believed they were on an even playing field. She didn’t want them looking at her as they had when she first returned. They had fear in their eyes and their heart back then. People liked their thoughts to be private. She knew she did.
During these last six months with the CTA, Marcie and Jayne had become her closest friends. Even as a child, Becca didn’t have friends. Her sisters, Cat and Genie, were her friends, especially once they started coming into their abilities.
Opening your heart opens you to hurt, Becca, but the pain is always worth it.
Those were the last words her mother ever said to her.
Once she lost Genie and Cat, she’d turned to Emerich. She’d loved him with all her heart. She’d let him in, but her mom had been wrong.
The pain wasn’t worth it.
Not even close.
“Don’t look now but a very good-looking guy at the bar is watching us,” Jayne said with a grin on her face and a waggle of her brows.
They all turned to look.
The man who had been watching them quickly turned away.
Jayne burst out laughing. “What do you not get about don’t look now?”
“I thought you and Chet were getting serious,” Becca asked, trying to decide if she was envious or not. It seemed like everyone had someone. Except for her and Marcie.
“We are. He’s the one for me. I have no interest in opening myself up to anyone else out there. Chet is perfect,” Jayne stated with a hard nod.
“For you,” Becca reiterated.
“For me. What about you, Becca?” Jayne asked, turning her question back on her.
“Me?” The question caught her by surprise, though it shouldn’t have. She should have seen that coming a mile away. “I don’t make the best decisions when it comes to men, just ask Genie. It’s better if I steer clear.”
“That can’t be fun. You know, it’s okay to date casually,” Marcie said and gave the cowboy at the bar who’d been watching them a wave and a wide smile.
“Good Lord, we’re supposed to be keeping a low profile,” Genie said.
“Since when have I ever been able to do that?” Marcie asked.
Becca laughed. She loved Marcie.
“You know, I met Emerich,” Jayne said. “Don’t be so hard on yourself. He had a way about him. He could be very convincing.”
“You mean he was hot,” Marcie blurted.
“Maybe.” Jayne giggled. “All I’m saying is don’t compare him to all the other men out there or let him spoil your chances at happiness.”