Page 35 of Becca's Trouble
“It’s probably better that no one knows we found it.”
“Your mole theory?”
She shrugged. “Someone has been leaking information to Emerich for a while now. It’s the only way he always seems to know where we are and what we’re doing.”
“I’ve run extensive checks on everyone in our team.”
“Obviously, not extensive enough.”
“Come on, let's circle the building,” he said. We can keep checking the phone and see how far the blockage goes. It’s the safest course of action.”
“And the slowest.”
He smothered a smile and then led her back the way they’d come, staying as far back in the trees as possible. They walked the building, looking for another way in other than the front opening that was heavily guarded.
“There.” Becca pointed to a ladder coming down from the roof. “If we can get onto the roof, we can get a better vantage point.”
“There is no way that ladder is unguarded.”
“It’s not. There are cameras. See?” She pointed to the cameras high up on poles, twenty feet back from the building every ten feet.
Cameron whistled under his breath.
“I’m going to climb that pole and tilt the camera away from the ladder.”
“Won’t they notice the ladder is no longer in the frame?”
“If they’re paying attention. Chances are the guard is watching porn on his cell phone.”
Cameron grinned.
“Do you have a better idea?”
“Nope,” he admitted.
“Then let’s do it. Once we get on the roof, we’ll have to stay low, but at least we’ll be able to see what we’re dealing with.”
“All right.”
Before she continued forward, she turned and stopped him. “Or we can head back to Kyle and the helicopter. Get the rest of the team here and all go in together.”
He smiled. “Did I just hear you right? Are you willing to wait to rescue Marcie and Debi and call in the cavalry?”
“I’m just being smart and a team player. Chances are, we won’t make it in there without being caught, and the rest of the team won’t have a clue where we are or what happened to us.”
He took a deep breath. “True. So you want to head back to Kyle?”
She shook her head. “No. I’m just throwing it out there. The decision is yours.”
“It will take us another whole day to get back, and then another to get the team here. I say we go forward, get inside, and try to figure out a way to contact Genie then. There has to be a working communications room.”
“Or a radio in a helicopter.”
He grinned. “I like it.”
“Okay, let’s move.” They hurried toward the pole with the camera at the top. Cameron gave her a boost. Once she was six feet off the ground, there were metal hooks she could step her feet onto and scale up the pole. Holding on with one hand, she reached for the camera under a tall light and slowly tilted it to the left of the ladder. Once she was sure the ladder was out of view, she eased herself back down the pole.
They had a very narrow path to the ladder that wouldn’t be caught under surveillance. As quickly as they could, they climbed the ladder to the roof. Crouching low, they ran to the other side of the roof platform and look down into the courtyard on the inside of the pentagram.