Page 23 of The Better Choice
“But he didn’t. Are you going to tell me who he is, anyway?”
“Someone from my past,” he said simply. “Someone I never wanted to see again.”
“How did he find you?” she asked. “Who is ‘Jack’? The man who told him where you live.”
He furrowed his brow. “Jack is…someone I used to know. Look, I’ll handle it, okay? I don’t want you involved.”
“Involved in what? Are you…is something dangerous going on?”
He looked down, taking her hand in his with a grimace on his face. “I want you to leave, Blythe.”
“W-what?” she asked with a half laugh. She was sure he was kidding because it was so out of the blue. “What are you talking about?”
“You need to leave. I can’t see you anymore.”
“No,” she said softly, her heart fluttering at the mere possibility. “Why?”
“Because I’ve put you in danger, and I can’t have that.”
“I’m not afraid,” she tried to argue.
“It doesn’t matter,” he said sternly, his voice raised in frustration. “It doesn’t matter how you feel. How either of us feel. You need to leave. Now. I’m revoking my offer for you to stay. You have to leave, and you can never come back here. Do you hear me?” He stood from the couch, walking across the room.
“Because you don’t want me here, or because I’m in danger?”
“You aren’t in danger. They have no idea who you are, and I’m going to make sure it stays that way.”
“Who arethey? I don’t want to leave, Finn…”
“Damn it, Blythe,” he said, slamming his fist onto the back of the couch. He lowered his voice when he saw the fear that filled her eyes. Her father had been soft spoken, even in the most trying times. A man’s voice being raised caused her to hyperventilate, and it usually ended in tears. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” she whispered. “Just…tell me what’s going on.”
He walked toward the bedroom, and she wondered if he might be going to get some vital piece of the puzzle that would explain this alternate universe she seemed to have stepped into, but when he returned, he was carrying her bag. “You need to leave.”
She nodded, setting her drink on the coffee table and taking the bag from his hands without another word. She knew when she wasn’t welcome. She walked toward the door and pulled it open.
“Blythe, I—” She turned, studying his conflicted expression. He looked down. “Goodbye.”
She stepped through the door. “Goodbye, Finn.”
Chapter Twelve
“You came,” Asher said, standing up from the table as she entered the restaurant.
“Are you surprised?”
“I am, actually,” he said with a laugh, placing an arm around her waist as he kissed her cheek.
“I wouldn’t have made the plans if I wasn’t going to follow through, Asher.” She sank into the chair. “How are you?”
“I’m…better now,” he told her, taking a seat after she did. “Have you had a chance to think about what I said?”
She nodded. “I miss seeing you.”
He let out a sigh of relief, reaching across the table to take her hand. “I miss seeing you, too.”
“But I’m still not sure I want to be exclusive. I don’t want to feel like I’m forcing you.”