Page 5 of The Better Choice
When he reappeared, his messy hair was combed and his lips were red. He’d brushed his teeth—something she desperately needed to do.
She escaped from the room, staring at his toothbrush for a moment and considering the insane possibility of using it, before she held out her finger under the tube and ran it quickly through her mouth. She pinched her cheeks—something she’d seen her mother do when she wanted to impress someone, ran a hand through her dark brown hair, and shrugged. It was the best it was going to get, she supposed.
When she walked from the room, Finn had started making coffee. He had a mug sitting out for her but didn’t say anything as she walked past it. She had never liked coffee, but if he offered, she would accept the cup. It was the polite thing to do. Besides, load it up with cream and sugar and it was practically dessert.
She slid onto the barstool. “So,” she said, clearing her throat. “Good morning, I guess.”
He smiled from behind his mug. “Good morning.” She looked away, but when she looked back, his eyes were still locked on her as if in awe. As he noticed her meeting his stare, he looked down.
Heat rose to her cheeks. “What do you have planned for the day?” she asked.
He glanced at the clock. “I have to be at work soon,” he said, his eyes studying hers.
I’ve overstayed my welcome.It hit her quickly, and she stood even quicker, nearly knocking over the stool. “I’m so sorry. I should be going.”
He placed the mug down. “I didn’t mean you had to leave.”
“No, honestly, you’ve done way too much for me as it is. I’ll call my aunt from the…”
He slid his phone across the counter. “You can use my phone. But you’re welcome to stay. Honestly, you are. I’ll be home later tonight, but you can make yourself at home. Or head out and take care of whatever you need to. As long as you need it, the bed…orcouch,since that seems to be your preference, is yours. Trust me, I’ve been at the point of crashing on couches and staying with people who truly don’t want me there.”
She nodded. “Thank you, but I couldn’t.”
He shrugged, pushing the phone further toward her until she took it. “Well, the offer stands either way. I need to get a shower.” He stared at her for a moment, and she was sure he wanted to say something else, but he didn’t. Instead, he turned to walk down the hallway and she watched him disappear, her throat dry and heart strangely empty.
She dialed her aunt’s number, listening as it rang and rang. When she didn’t answer, Blythe left a message, explaining to her exactly where she’d be and that she didn’t have a phone so she wouldn’t be able to reach her. She laid the phone back on the counter, watching the blank screen as she hoped her aunt would call her back.
After a few minutes, Blythe heard the water from his shower shut off, and as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t move. The bathroom door opened, and she watched a cloud of steam waft down the hallway. After a few moments, she heard his padded footsteps coming her way.
When she saw him she gasped without meaning to. His black towel was wrapped tightly around his tan waist, revealing a soaking wet six-pack of abs she hadn’t been expecting. His messy, brown hair was wet and hanging down around his chin, and his eyes widened when he saw her.
“Sorry, I didn’t think you’d still be here,” he said simply.
“I…shouldn’t be,” she said honestly. “My…I was…waiting for my aunt to call back.” Suddenly, her words were taking forever to form and her eyes couldn’t be pulled from his skin.
He nodded but didn’t say anything.
“Anyway, I really should be going. I left her a message about where to find me.” She turned, bumping into the stool and sending it flying this time. They both moved to grab it, and their skin touched, lightning shooting through her. He tucked a piece of his dark hair behind his ear as she spun around to face him. “S-sorry,” she said.
“Blythe,” he said, her name on his tongue sending shivers down her spine. “You’re fine. Stop apologizing.”
She nodded, her eyes studying his hauntingly dark stare. “O-okay. Sorry.”
He closed his eyes for a half-second, a small smile on his lips. When he opened them, he asked, “Are you sure you don’t want to stay?”
She shook her head, though every fiber of her being was screamingyes,and spit out the word, “No.” She bit her lip. “I shouldn’t. I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve already done for me.”
He touched her arm, and a squeal nearly escaped her chest but she managed to rein it in. Did she do to him what he did to her? It wasn’t possible. This was the product of a small-town, sheltered girl finally meeting someone,anyone,new. That had to be it. “Like I said, the offer stands. I get off at seven. I’ll be here. Anytime.”
She smiled nervously. “Thank you, Finn.”
Was it her imagination, or had she seen his eyes grow dark with desire as she spoke his name? She closed her eyes, literally shaking away the thought and stepping back. She couldn’t be here, or she was going to end up making a fool of herself. He didn’t come after her as she grabbed her clothes from the floor and hurried out of the apartment, calling out a quick, “Thank you again,” over her shoulder.
Chapter Four
Blythe hurried back into the kitchen, trying to catch her breath in between trays of food. She was surprised to see a guest with his head in the large, double-doored, stainless steel fridge.