Page 56 of The Girl Next Door
Chapter Sixteen
Grinders R Us is the best coffeehouse on campus. It’s where everyone stops to grab their daily dose of caffeine. Sometimes more than once. As I walk past the small brick building, a familiar profile catches my attention and my footsteps falter.
There’s been no movement on the Mia front. It’s been a week since I asked her for a second chance and talked her into having lunch with me.
All right, maybe forced would be a better word for it.
No matter what I do, I can’t seem to make headway with this girl. I’ve dropped by her apartment unannounced.
She’s not there.
Or so Alyssa tells me.
I’ve tried hanging around after class, but she’s cagey. Sometimes she heads up to Dr. Hayes’ office.
I’m getting desperate.
You trucked by desperate a couple of years ago.
It takes a moment to snap out of my thoughts and to realize that I’m pressed up against the picture window, fogging up the glass like a serial stalker who’s left his van running fifty feet away.
As I take a quick step from the coffee shop, her gaze flits to the window and locks on mine. The smile curving her lips falls away.
Not knowing what else to do, I lift my hand in a tentative wave. That’s when I notice she’s not alone. There’s a guy parked across from her.
Jealousy rushes through my veins as I straighten to my full height. Before I can get a game plan together, I’m yanking open the door and flying through it. Mia’s dark eyes widen when she sees me barreling toward her.
If I honestly thought she didn’t feel something, I’d cut bait and move on. But the girl melts every time I lay my hands on her. And if that’s not hot, I don’t know what is. Am I really supposed to walk away from that kind of attraction?
I don’t think so.
When I’m close enough, I catch the tail end of their conversation.
“I was thinking if you’re free this Friday, we might…”
His words trail off when he realizes that Mia’s attention has become snagged by something else. Or maybe I should say, someone else.
The guy sitting across from her glances at me. I see the moment recognition sets in. His whole face lights up like he won big bucks on a scratch off. “Hollingsworth, my man! How are you doing?”
“I’m good.” His overly-friendly demeanor has me searching his face, wondering if I know him. Although, I’m pretty sure I don’t. Let’s face it, this campus revolves around football. People recognize me everywhere I go. “How about you?”
He grins, vibrating like a puppy with excitement. “I’m awesome!”
Now that pleasantries are out of the way, I stare at Mia. “Hey.”
“Beck,” she murmurs as heat stings her cheeks.
Her attention never deviates from me. Which is exactly where I like it. The guy she’s with doesn’t seem to notice. What an idiot.
Before I can say anything else, he gushes, “That was a fantastic game last weekend. You killed North Carolina. There’s no way you guys won’t take home a championship this year!”
“That’s the plan.” Normally I can talk all day long about football. Everything from the last game we played, who landed on the injury list, stats, to the upcoming draft. You name it, I can shoot the shit about it.
But right now?
Football is the last thing on my mind. It’s not even a thought in my head.
“Hey, you want a coffee or something?” Her date jumps up from his seat like a Jack-in-the-box.
When Mia opens her mouth—most likely to protest—I cut her off.
“Thanks, I’d love one.” I dig around in my pocket for a couple of bucks.
He throws up a hand and shakes his head. “No way, Hollingsworth, it’s on me!” And then he’s gone.
I have to say, getting rid of him was easier than expected. Once he takes his place at the back of the line, I settle on his chair.
Mia’s eyes flash with irritation. “What do you think you’re doing?”
I point to the chair as if it’s obvious. “Sitting.”
“I mean, here.” She pauses before adding, “With me.”
“I’m keeping you company while your boyfriend fetches me a coffee.”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” she mutters, looking away.
A wide smile spreads across my face. “Good to know.”
“It wouldn’t matter if he was, because you and I aren’t getting together.”
“Never say never.”
“I’m saying it, Beck.” She enunciates the word. “Never. It’s a firm never from me.”
I shrug and push onward, undeterred by her negativity. “Stranger things have happened.”
“Not that strange.” She huffs out an exasperated breath. “Let’s get back to the original question. Is there a reason you stopped by?”
“Actually,” an idea pops into my head and I run with it, “there is. I thought we could drive home together next weekend.”
Confusion flickers across her face. “What’s next weekend?”
“It’s my parent’s twenty-fifth anniversary party, remember?”
She winces. “It must have slipped my mind. Between school and applications, it’s been busy.”