Page 63 of The Girl Next Door
On the far side of the tent is a parquet dance floor. A stringed quartet plays classical music. Mom mentioned that later tonight there will be a DJ and dancing.
Even though there must be at least a hundred people present, my attention is immediately snagged by Beck, who looks handsome in a suit and tie, as he loiters at the bar with one of his cousins.
His fingers are wrapped around a thick crystal tumbler filled with amber liquid on the rocks. My breath becomes wedged at the back of my throat as his gaze drifts over the crowd before settling on mine. When heat leaps to life in his eyes, all I can think about is the way I touched myself last night in the tub.
I shove the memory from my mind before a blush can rise to my cheeks. A hum of unwanted attraction sizzles through my blood. My hand flutters to my lower belly to settle the horde of butterflies trying to wing their way to life.
No matter how patient I’ve been, these feelings never seem to dissipate. If anything, they’ve only grown stronger. I’m wondering if my attraction to Beck will ever fade.
It’s almost a relief when Archibald and Caroline join us. When Archie asks where Dad is, Mom rolls her eyes and tells him about the business call. Even though I try to focus on their conversation, my attention is drawn to Beck. I’m hyperaware of his every move. The way his focus stays trained on me sends a surge of shivers careening down my spine.
It’s only when Mom elbows me gently in the side that I snap to awareness. Her lips twist into a smile as she nods toward Beck’s father. “Archie was asking how classes are going this semester.”
Heat fills my face as I refocus on his father. “Sorry.” I shake my head and lie through my teeth. “I was admiring the decor.”
“You might have been admiring something else,” Mom says under her breath before taking a sip of champagne.
Her mumbled comment sends another wave of heat flooding through me. It takes effort to keep the smile plastered across my face as I return the elbow. I do my best to ignore her as her shoulders shake with silent laughter.
Thankfully, both Archibald and Caroline take a moment to glance around at their hard work. “It was all my lovely wife. She spent the last couple of months planning this party and it turned out beautifully.”
Beck’s mother beams at the compliment.
“Everything is gorgeous,” I tell her, relieved that no one other than my mother noticed the reason for my distraction. If this is how the rest of the evening will go, I’m in trouble. I bring the flute to my lips and swallow down the bubbly liquid.
Caroline glances around the festivities with a satisfied expression. “I think we all know this is a dry run for when I finally have a wedding to plan.”
That simple comment sends the champagne down the wrong pipe, and I sputter. Tears sting my eyes as a wide palm lands on the spot between my shoulder blades.
“Your parents can’t take you anywhere, can they?”
Still coughing, I whirl around to find Ari, Beck’s handsome older brother. A wide grin curves his lips. Before I’m able to react, he pulls me into his arms for a hug.
“Long time no see, squirt,” he whispers in my ear.
Throughout college and the first year of law school, Ari came home during the summers and interned at his father’s practice. That wasn’t the case this year. He received a prestigious clerking position with a law firm near Stanford, so he stayed there. I haven’t seen him since last Christmas.
“Good to see you, too,” I laugh, squeezing him tight. “I missed you this summer. The office wasn’t the same without you.”
“I’m almost afraid to ask who your standing lunch date was.” Before I can answer, he says, “Please tell me it wasn’t Mark from accounting.”
I burst out laughing as the knot in my belly loosens. “What do I look like, a glutton for punishment?” Mark is a nice guy, but that doesn’t mean I want to spend my entire lunch break learning about the nitty gritty world of payable and receivable accounts. The lunches where he tagged along with us only solidified the notion that I made the right decision not to pursue a career in accounting.
Caroline shoots my mother a sly smile. “They make an adorable couple. Don’t they, Julia? Maybe there’ll be a wedding in the near future after all.”
A gurgle of surprise rises in my throat as Ari tugs me even closer. “Looks like there’s some plotting and scheming underfoot.”
Unsure how to respond, I press my lips together and remain silent.
From the corner of my eye, I watch as Beck joins our group. His lips are drawn down at the edges and I fidget beneath the heat of his stare.