Page 70 of The Girl Next Door
A button?
That’s exactly what I’m going with to make this situation less awkward.
When she glances at me, I’m startled to realize how close her face is to mine. A couple inches at best.
“Have you started writing your first draft?” Her attention falls to my lips.
“Umm, yeah,” I mutter.
She continues staring. “Do you want to pull it up?”
“Sure.” I refocus on the computer. Every time I hit a key, my arm rubs against her boob. Finally, I get the document pulled up and jerk the screen toward her. I want to get this over with and get the hell out of here.
Dr. Hayes makes a humming noise deep in her throat as she reads over the draft. “This is great. You’re definitely on the right track.”
“Awesome.” I snap the laptop closed with more force than necessary and shove it in my backpack.
Hallelujah, we’re done. I can leave.
As I’m about to spring to my feet, she places a hand on my thigh. My gaze drops to her fingers in surprise.
“Let’s plan on meeting up again next week. I know how easy it is to get off-track and I want to make sure you’re continuing to make steady progress.”
“Oh.” Well, damn. That’s not what I wanted to hear.
“I see such potential in you, Beck. I’d love the opportunity to tease it out of you. I really believe you could benefit from a little one-on-one instruction.”
“I don’t know if I can work that into my schedule,” I mumble, unsure what to say. One-on-one instruction is the last thing I want from her. My gut is telling me it’s not English she wants to tease out of me.
Dr. Hayes squeezes my thigh before lifting her hand away. The moment I’m free of her touch, I pop to my feet.
It’s only after I freeze, that I realize I’ve stopped directly in front of her face. Her eyes are level with my junk, and it seems like she’s staring straight at it before she glances up.
“If you need anything, you can always text me.”
No, thank you.
Instead, I force myself to say, “I’ll be sure to do that.”
And then I flee from her office like the hounds of hell are nipping at my heels.
Chapter Twenty-Four
As I crest the second-floor landing of the library, my gaze sweeps over the tables strategically placed near the anthropology and sociology section, but I don’t immediately notice Beck.
I’m about to pull out my phone when a high-pitched giggle draws my attention to a girl lounging on top of a study table. I’m not able to see who she’s talking to, but my guess is that it’s a guy. I know flirty behavior when I see it.
Dismissing her, I glance away and continue searching for Beck. Maybe we were supposed to meet on a different floor or section. When another laugh erupts, I glance at her again. She shifts and I catch a glimpse of dark wavy hair.
I don’t need to see any more to know she’s talking to Beck. I step to the side and his handsome features come into view. The strawberry-blond girl perched on the table leans over, giving him what I assume is an unobstructed view of her cleavage.
Jealousy bubbles up inside me like a geyser before I quickly stomp it out. I’m not one of these girls who wants to spend every spare moment of her time fending off other females. I also don’t want a guy who will flirt with every vagina he comes across.
This is precisely why I was reluctant to give Beck another chance. It hasn’t even been a week since I agreed to go out with him, and already he’s chasing after other chicks?
No, sir. That won’t be happening on my watch. We can snuff this out as quickly as it sprang to life. Thank God, he showed his true self before I could become any further invested. I’m not even going to confront him. He can screw himself.
I’m out of here.
As I take a hasty step in retreat, ready to stomp down the stairs, Beck glances over and catches sight of me. A wide smile lights up his face as he waves me over like he wasn’t caught red-handed with another girl.
Does he really think I’m going to be all right with this behavior?
Hell, no. He messed with the wrong chick. I’m not one of his bubble-headed groupies who will put up with anything for the chance to be with him. I hitch my backpack up higher on my shoulder before stalking toward him.
Not once does Beck’s attention deviate from me. As I reach the table, I open my mouth to blast him into next week.
He beats me to the punch. “Hey, babe. Missed you.”
His fingers tangle around mine before he tugs me closer. Thrown off by the affectionate greeting, I trip over my own feet and stumble toward him. He slides one hand into my hair before bringing my face to his and kissing me. It’s nothing more than a fleeting caress, but it’s enough to stir something deep inside me.