Page 76 of The Girl Next Door
I glance at Mia only to find her staring pensively out the windshield. Pain radiates from her in heavy waves. Unsure how to comfort her, I reach out and snag her fingers before squeezing them.
Even though I suspect the answer, I still ask, “Are you hungry? We could go someplace else to eat.”
She shakes her head. “No, just take me home.”
Once I pull into her drive, I put the truck in park and angle my body toward hers. If I could take away her pain, I would do it in a heartbeat.
Silently she reaches for the handle.
As she pops it open, I ask, “Do you want me to come in?” I tack on before she can get the wrong idea, “To talk?”
She shakes her head. “Thanks, but no. Right now, I want to be alone so I can figure out what to do.”
“You don’t have to do anything,” I tell her. “Whatever is going on is between your mom and dad. It has nothing to do with you.”
“I know.” With a heavy sigh, she steps out of the vehicle. “I’m sorry about tonight, Beck. I appreciate the effort you put into planning our date.”
I force a smile to my lips, wishing there was something I could do or say to make the situation better. When I remain silent, she jerks her head into a nod.
“Bye,” she says before slamming the door.
I watch as she walks up the stone stairs and lets herself into the house. Her gaze fastens onto mine and I raise my hand to wave before she disappears inside.
This date has turned out to be an epic fail. Not in a million years did I ever expect our night to end like this.
Chapter Twenty-Six
Unable to sleep, I stare sightlessly at the ceiling. No matter how much I try to block out what I saw at Marco’s, I can’t. The image of my dad having an intimate dinner with a strange woman refuses to be buried.
Even though I know what I saw and how I felt in the moment, part of me wonders if it’s possible I could have misconstrued the relationship. Was it a dinner between friends? Or colleagues?
From across the restaurant, I could see the besotted look in Dad’s eyes as he stared at the blonde across from him. How long has it been since he looked at Mom that way?
I sift through my memories, going back years, but can’t come up with a definitive answer. If Dad ever looked at Mom like that, it was before Brianna died.
Beck’s words ring unwantedly throughout my head.
This has nothing to do with you.
He’s right, it doesn’t. This is between my dad and mom, but still…seeing him with another woman feels like a betrayal to our family.
How could he do this?
After everything Mom has been through, how could he inflict more damage?
I turn onto my side and curl up in a tight ball under the covers as a wave of nausea crashes over me. This isn’t the kind of secret I can keep from Mom. She has a right to know what’s going on. The thought of telling her makes me sick to my stomach.
I glance at the clock on the nightstand. It’s after midnight and I’m no closer to finding sleep than I was two hours ago. Maybe I should go downstairs and make a cup of tea.
As I throw off the covers, there’s a tap against the windowpane. I pause as my heart thumps a painful beat against my ribcage before squinting into the darkness. The breath rushes from my lungs as Beck’s features materialize on the other side of the glass. I hurry across the room and unlatch the lock, shoving open the window.
“What are you doing here?” Relief and happiness swirl inside me at the sight of him.
He stares at me from the thick tree branch he’s perched on. “I wanted to make sure you were all right. What happened earlier was brutal.”
“You could have texted or come to the front door.”
“It’s been a while since I climbed your tree.” He shrugs as a smile lifts his lips. “Kind of seemed like a grand romantic gesture. Don’t you think?”
I shake my head and unsnap the screen from the window before pulling it off and leaning the metal frame against the wall. “You’re crazy.”
“Only for you.” Beck balances his weight on the branch before levering himself through the window. He lands gracefully on the floor before popping to his full height and dusting himself off. I quickly slam the window closed and clip the screen back into place.
“You doing okay?” He closes the distance between us until he can tug me into his arms. “I was worried.”
Unable to help myself, I melt against him before burying my face in his chest. I have no idea why his presence is so comforting, but it is. “I’m all right. Still in shock, I guess.”