Page 97 of The Girl Next Door
Her anxiety continues to rachet up as her tongue darts out to smudge her lips. I stare at her perfect cupid’s bow of a mouth, unable to stop myself from tracking the movement. My cock twitches against my jock and I shift impatiently, wanting to get this over with.
Why the hell is she here when all she’s done is avoid me for the last couple of days?
I almost laugh. What the hell am I talking about?
Mia has spent most of her life trying to evade me. I should be used to it by now. After what we shared, I thought everything had changed.
Guess I was wrong.
It isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last.
“I’m sorry, Beck,” she blurts. “I owe you an apology.”
My gaze jerks from her mouth to her eyes. Out of everything she could have said, that’s the one thing I wasn’t expecting. “What are you apologizing for?”
She sucks in a deep breath before steadily releasing it back into the atmosphere. “I should have believed you about Dr. Hayes.”
I tilt my head and narrow my eyes. “What makes you so sure I wasn’t lying?”
The question gives her pause and her knuckles turn bone white as she locks her fingers together. “I spoke with her and she admitted to hitting on you.”
Well, color me surprised.
When I remain silent, Mia continues in a rush, “I walked in on a situation and jumped to the wrong conclusion instead of giving you a chance to explain and for that, I’m sorry.”
A thick lump of emotion settles in the middle of my throat. “Not only did you accuse me of screwing around with my professor, but you thought I was cheating on you. When I tried to explain, you shut me down and walked away.” I step closer so she has to crane her neck to hold my stare. “You should have known better, Mia.”
“I know,” she whispers, her breath escaping in harsh pants, “I’m so sorry. Can you forgive me?”
“Ever hear the expression—too little, too late?” I continue to push into her personal space until we’re so close that the tips of her breasts press against my chest pads.
“Yes.” Her face falls as she nods. “Even if you can’t forgive me, I needed to apologize for hurting you.”
When she tries to retreat, I drop my hands onto her shoulders to keep her in place. My face hovers inches from hers.
“So that’s it?” I pause. “All I get is a lame apology for breaking my heart?”
Her dark eyes fill with tears. “I don’t know what else to say other than I’m sorry.”
“Maybe you should start by telling me that you love me.”
She blinks in confusion before her eyes widen. “What?”
I lower my mouth until it can ghost over hers. Goddamn, but I’ve missed her kisses. Actually, I’ve missed everything about this girl. The last couple of days have sucked. “Tell me that you love me.”
When a whimper slides from her mouth, my cock stirs.
“I love you, Beck.” Her attention stays focused on me. “Even when I didn’t want to, I did.”
Emotion explodes in my chest. “Say it again,” I demand, needing to hear those three little words.
She smiles and the tension haunting her eyes dissipates. “I love you.”
The moment my lips settle on hers, she opens so my tongue can slip easily into her mouth as I wrap my arms around her.
I pull away long enough to mutter, “Know what you’re going to do next?”
A bemused expression settles on her face as she shakes her head.
“Unblock me.”
Laughter bursts from her as she presses her forehead against my chest. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“Damn right, you shouldn’t have,” I grunt.
“It will never happen again.”
“I’m going to hold you to that promise.” I press another quick kiss against her. “Looks like you have a long night ahead of you.”
She pops a brow. “And why is that?”
“Make up sex.” A grin curls its way around the edges of my lips. “And lots of it.”
Silent laughter shakes her shoulders. “Is that so?”
“Yup.” Before she can say anything else, I bend down, wrap my arms around her thighs and hoist her over my shoulder. She lands against me with a squeal before grabbing hold of my jersey as she dangles upside down. I reposition my hands, sliding one to her ass and the other around her legs to hold her in place.
Thankfully, this time, she’s not wearing a thong. No one gets to see the goods except me.
“Beck!” she shrieks. “What are you doing?”
“That should be obvious. I’m taking you home where you can apologize in the privacy of my bedroom.” The thought has my cock stiffening right up. “I hope you don’t have plans for the rest of the night, because you’ll be otherwise engaged.”
“Please tell me that you’re going to shower,” she laughs, “because you kind of stink.”