Page 37 of You Can Trust Me
“Yes, yes. I’m here.” The line crackles and she occasionally cuts out, but I can hear her. We’re connected. For now, it’s all that matters.
“I’m Detective Jenkins. Can you tell me what’s going on?”
“My name is Blake Barlowe. I’m on a cruise ship right now. We’re at our first port of call in Cozumel. When I woke up this morning, my wife wasn’t there. I’ve reported her missing to the security director and they’ve searched the ship, but they’re refusing to do anything else. There’s a man who was with her last night at the bar, and according to the security team, they left together, but—”
“Do you know the man?”
“I don’t. They aren’t telling me anything. I’m worried he’s taken her or hurt her, and I’m stuck on this boat. They say the Coast Guard is supposed to be looking into it, but I’m not getting any real updates. I know time is of the essence, and I just… I just want to find her.”
“Sir, you’re cutting out a little, but I think I got most of that. What time were you last with your wife?”
“I was with her last night, but she stayed out with a friend of ours until early morning. They have her on the security footage with the man at the bar until four thirty.”
“The man is your friend? I thought you said you didn’t know him?”
“No, I don’t. Our friend is a woman, Florence. They were together until about three. Then Florence went to bed and Mae stayed.”
“I see. And where were you when your wife was last seen?”
“I was in bed.”
“No, sorry. I meant, where was the ship?”
“Oh… Um, I’m not sure. Should I know that?”
“I thought your security director might’ve told you. What time did you arrive at your port of call?”
“Uh, seven, I think.”
“So you would’ve been in international waters.” She sucks in a breath. “Okay, look, I can take down this information, but unfortunately, until you’re back on US soil, you’re out of our jurisdiction.”
“But we’re American citizens!”
“I know. I get it, but right now, our hands are tied. The second you’re back, I’m happy to meet with you and take your statement and see what we can do. If the Coast Guard is already involved, it sounds like you’re in good hands.” Her voice changes when she speaks again. It’s softer somehow. “I know you have to feel helpless, but you did the right thing by calling. Just try to stay positive, okay? And if she hasn’t turned up by the time you arrive back here in Florida, we’ll do our best to help you locate her.”
“Thanks,” I say softly. I’ve never felt so helpless. Brick wall after brick wall, I just keep slamming into dead ends. Is this really all that can be done? Are they really doing everything?
Why doesn’t anyone care about Mae? Why don’t they know how special she is?
Why can’t they see that the world is a little dimmer without her? That we all need her back? That we have to find her?
She ends the call and I exit the room, my shoulders slumped, my body sore.
I find Florence on the top deck, looking out over the port. She looks as terrified as I feel, eyes narrow and searching the crowds below.
I move to stand next to her, and when she looks at me, it’s with a breath of hope that quickly disappears.
“What did they say?”
I shake my head, my voice trembling as I answer. “They… Uh…” I choke back an angry sob. “We’re on our own, Flo. They can’t help until we’re back in Florida and the crew can’t help until everyone’s back on the ship, but even then… It’s just us. No one else cares. No one else is doing anything.” I gesture around, past the crew milling about with trays of drinks for the passengers who remain on the ship, past the toddlers splashing in the splash pad with their happy parents watching from nearby, past the older couple posing for a picture with the ship’s photographer.
She nods as if she hasn’t been expecting anything different. “Her parents didn’t answer.” She pulls a bit of hair from her mouth. “I tried both of them and left a message for Bill to call me.”
I drop my head forward. “What are you going to tell them?”
She grips the railing with both hands. “That we’re doing everything we can. That we won’t give up until we find her.”
“Until she’s safe,” I add. I need to keep saying it. To keep hearing it. I need it to be true.