Page 49 of You Can Trust Me
Something in his voice almost sounds like he’s encouraging me to get off the ship. Encouraging me to run. That’s what a guilty husband would do.
“Understood. I’m not going anywhere,” I say. He doesn’t know I’ve already spoken to the police myself, and I don’t bother to tell him. With more force than necessary, I end the call.
I use my phone to look up the number for a lawyer. How do I even know what type of lawyer I need at this point? I’m not worried about a criminal lawyer yet, even with Diego’s threats. I want someone who can do something about how badly this is all being handled.
I want someone to do something. Period.
I scroll through a few pages of results, and each website I click on takes several minutes to load. So much for onboard Wi-Fi.
When I find a law firm that claims to cover cases against cruise lines for accidents or injuries, as well as criminal law, I make the call.
“Hanson and Janson, Kelsey speaking. Whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?”
“My name is Blake Barlowe.”
“Thank you, Mr. Barlowe. How may I help you?”
I inhale, preparing myself. “Hi. I’m not sure which of your lawyers I need to speak to, but I’m on board a cruise ship ported in Costa Maya right now, and my wife has gone missing.”
“Oh no,” she says with a gasp. I can hear her writing something down. Her concern is believable. “I’m so sorry to hear that. When did she go missing?”
“Very early yesterday morning. The crew on board has been completely useless. I’ve tried to contact the police there, but they say they can’t do anything until we return to port. I’m just running out of options. I don’t even know if you can help, I just…” I sigh, not sure what to say next.
“Okay, I completely understand, sir. What I can do is pass this message on to one of our attorneys and have them give you a call back. Does that sound okay?”
“When will they be able to call me back? We’re in port now, but once we’re out on the water, I may not have service.”
“I understand. I’ll do my best to get them to call you back today. What time do you leave port?”
“Um, hang on.” I tear open my suitcase, flipping through the itinerary. “Five o’clock.”
“Okay. Both of our attorneys are in court right now, but if they have a chance to return to the office, I’ll have someone call you today. If it’s not today, Mr. Hanson will be back in the office tomorrow morning. I can have him give you a call then.”
“That may not work,” I remind her.
“I understand. What time will you arrive at your next port?”
“We’ll be back in Tampa Saturday morning at seven.” Two days from now. It can’t wait. None of this can wait.
She clicks her tongue. “I’ll notate that for them as well, and we’ll do our best to have someone return your call today. What would be the best number for them to reach you?”
I rattle it off for her.
“Great. Okay, so I’ve got that, and we’ll be in touch just as soon as possible.”
I end the call, throwing my phone onto the bed with as much force as I can muster. At this point, I can practically feel the scrapes from yet another brick wall.
I’m shoving the last of my things into my suitcase when I hear the magnetic lock on the door whirring, signaling that someone has used their key card.
When it opens, Patton looks just as shocked to see me as I am to see him.
His eyes flick down to my suitcase and his jaw tenses. “Sorry, I didn’t know you’d be in here. You’re… You’re really leaving, then?”
“I said I was.”