Page 34 of Dark of Night
Tears glistened in Shainya’s eyes, and she launched into the story about two men chasing her.
“What were you doing when they started chasing you?”
“I was camping. I’d just gotten my tent up and was cooking a burger over the campfire. It was nearly dark, probably nine. A rock came flying out of nowhere and knocked the iron skillet out of my hand. Then there was a gunshot and laughter. Some guy yelled, ‘Run, little rabbit.’ So I did.”
Annie suppressed a shudder. That had to have been terrifying. No wonder Shainya was traumatized. Annie took her hand, and the girl clutched her like a lifeline.
Mason wrote in his notebook. “How long did the chase go on? Did you see the men well enough to describe them to a sketch artist?”
Shainya shook her head. “It was too dark. I know the area so I was able to hide in small caves and behind rocks. They kept tracking me, though. I’m not sure how since it was so dark.”
“They might have had infrared goggles,” Mason said. “Lots of hunters use them.”
Hunters.Just like Eddie Poole had reported. What was going on in the North Woods? They had one dead camper already, and she still suspected Sean Johnson had a connection there.
A nurse called Shainya back, and Annie gave her hand a comforting pat. “I’ll be right here. Jon is coming back now too. I’m sure your parents will be here soon.”
“Thank you for everything.” Shainya limped away with the nurse.
The automatic entry doors opened for Jon, and he joined Annie and Mason. “I got her mom. She was running for her truck when we hung up. She and her husband both work at the casino. She was going to grab him on her way out. I’d guess it will take them an hour or so.”
“I want to wait and make sure Shainya is okay.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Jon said. “The mom thought I was calling to tell her Shainya was in jail. The boyfriend sounds like a piece of work. Drug sales, breaking and entering, poaching. Even when I told her Shainya had been injured, she wasn’t going to come until I mentioned they’d broken up.”
“She must really hate the guy.”
“His name is Joel West,” Annie said. “Maybe he’s got a rap sheet.”
Jon sat beside her and leaned forward. “That’s not all she said. The poaching thing I mentioned? She said she suspectedhim of bringing in out-of-state people for illegal moose hunts. Out to Isle Royale of all places.”
“That’s outrageous!” Annie hated poachers.
Moose had nearly disappeared from the state after World WarII, but the Department of Natural Resources had worked hard to grow the population. She loved the magnificent beasts.
“One of the hunters he brought in went missing and was never found. A seventeen-year-old girl who came with her dad. The assumption was that she fell off a cliff or something and wolves disposed of the body. But it sounded suspicious to me, knowing what’s been going on this summer.”
“When was this?” Mason asked.
“August of last year,” Jon said.
“I’ll see what I can find out.” Mason jotted it down and put his notebook away. “I’ll head back to the office. If you hear anything else, let me know. Where’s Kylie?”
“Anu has her at the store. Bree was out on a search for a missing cat.”
The search team conducted searches for all kinds of things, so this was nothing unusual. Annie glanced at her watch. “Anu will be closing up shop in a few minutes. I should let her know I’m still tied up.”
“Want me to grab her?” Jon asked. “I could take her to the shore and look for agates down the hill from the lighthouse. She likes that.”
“Sure, if you don’t mind. We can meet there.” At least Kylie seemed to tolerate him now. Annie was thankful for the change.
Jon nodded and rose to walk out with Mason. “Text me when you’re on your way.”
She nodded and sat back to wait. With any kind of luck, Mrs. Blackburn would have more information.
Anu’s shop was still open when Jon pushed through the door to the interior filled with various aromas of wool, candles, and craft items. He spotted the dwindling stock of Annie’s woven rugs in a window display. She’d be glad to know they were selling well.