Page 60 of Dark of Night
The lights atop Mason’s SUV strobed on and off. A wrecker’s lights glared though the dark as well. Jon stood with Annie on the shoulder of the road and waited for Kade to arrive. Mason’s expression turned grim when he heard about their brush with death.
Jon had no idea when he’d get his car back—or if he even wanted it back. One thing he knew, though: he was going to tell his dad about Kylie. What if he and Annie had died in the Jaguar tonight? Kylie might have had to go to Nate’s parents, and he knew Annie didn’t want that. Dad might be old, but he was kind and loved kids. He would make sure Kylie was taken care of if the worst ever happened.
The sheriff and Deputy Montgomery stood talking to a state policeman who had stopped, and Jon had a few minutes alone with Annie. Maybe now wasn’t the best time to talk about the situation, but that perfect time never seemed to arrive.
He took her hand. “It was a close call, Annie. A very close call.”
Her throat tightened and she nodded. “God was with us.”
“All I could think about was Kylie and what would happen to her if we’d crashed.”
“Me too,” she admitted. “I realized you’re right. Just before the car went haywire, I was reluctant to tell her. Now I think we have to.”
“I’d like to tell my dad tonight.”
Her eyes widened. “Tonight?”
He nodded. “Dad already loves her, and he’d make sure she was okay if anything happened to us. Then we can tell Kylie tomorrow. I want her taken care of.” He leaned over and cupped her face in his hands. “And I want you both to know I love you.”
“I don’t think we’re going to die tonight.”
“We didn’t think so an hour ago either, but it could have turned out very differently. If someone is out to get us, we might not be so fortunate next time.”
She took in what he said and sighed. “Okay. It’s already past Kylie’s bedtime, so Bree is keeping her. You want me to go see your dad with you?”
“Only if you want to.”
Her expression was unreadable to him as she bit her lip and fell silent. It would be hard for her to admit she’d lived a lie for almost nine years. Society took a harsher view of women than it did men in this kind of situation, though he was sure their friends would be supportive no matter what.
Her fingers tightened on his. “I’ll come with you.” Her voice was low. “I don’t want you to face it by yourself.”
“Nothing really to face. My dad will be thrilled. He’ll only be sorry Mom isn’t here to get to know her granddaughter.” He pulled her against his chest. She had always fit so perfectly, like she was part of him. And wasn’t that the way it was supposed to be?
Kade’s SUV came into view and parked behind the wrecker,and Jon walked with Annie to his vehicle. Kade’s hair was wet like he’d hopped out of the shower and rushed to the rescue.
Kade stared through the window at the officers milling around the road, waiting for the wrecker to haul Jon’s car to be examined. “Do you need to hang around?”
“No, we can go.”
They were only fifteen minutes from the marina, and they spent the short ride telling Kade all they knew, which wasn’t much. Kade dropped them off in the parking lot, and they waited until he disappeared around the curve before heading to Annie’s truck.
It was ten, and Jon wanted to get to his dad’s before he went to bed. It had been an emotional few hours, both with Mike and then with the horror in the car. Telling his dad felt like what Jonneededto do, but he wasn’t sure Annie felt the same sense of urgency.
“Want me to drive?” he asked her.
“If you like. I’m still shaking.” She went around to the passenger door and climbed in.
He drove as fast as he dared along the dark, curving roads, and his hands perspired as he flashed back to an hour earlier. Stores were closing up, and the last few shoppers lingered under the streetlights as he drove down Houghton Street to Negaunee.
Lights shone out the windows of the bed-and-breakfast, and he spotted his dad sitting in a chair by the bay window. He parked and switched off the engine. “Ready?”
“I have to be.” Annie reached out and took his hands in hers. “What if your dad hates me for this? He missed out on all Kylie’s early years.”
Her cold hands were shaking in his. “My dad isn’t like that.He’s the sort of man who counts his blessings day by day. And having a granddaughter will be the best thing he’s ever received.”
She pulled away and opened her door. “I hope you’re right.”
He got out and came around the truck to take her hand. “I think I understand why you’re hesitant to tell Kylie. It’s hard to know where to start. Even with my dad, I’m not sure how to jump into the topic.”