Page 10 of Break of Day
A muscle in his jaw flexed. “And from you.”
“And from me.” She nodded. “I don’t want her sitting in jail. She’s going away for a long time, isn’t she?”
“Probably. Her state-appointed attorney is filing a temporary-insanity plea though.”
“‘Temporary insanity’?”
“She snapped under all the strain. I gotta admit the jury might buy it. She’s been full of remorse since we found her.”
Annie had seen Sarah’s regret from the first moment. All her defiance and bravado had disappeared and never returned.
“If you’re not going to send her back to jail, you’d better come up with another place to stash her. Men who are brazen enough to waltz into the hospital and spirit away a criminal like Hussert will figure out where she is soon enough. And she’ll go missing too. Maybe permanently this time.”
Annie winced at the stark words. It wasn’t safe to have Sarah near Kylie, not after what she had done. There was no one Annie could ask to take her.
Her memory jolted back to Max Reardon. He’d always said if he could do anything for her, all she had to do was ask. What if she had him take Sarah to Tremolo Island? He and his staff were the only inhabitants. The place was a fortress. And she could stay in the old Pederson cabin. Maybe it would help her.
“I have an idea.” She told Mason about her plan. “What do you think?”
“It’s a good idea. Max hates to lose at anything, and he’ll make sure she stays safe.”
True enough. The man’s reputation was important to him. And he had always been good to her. He’d want to help her for Anu’s sake as well. Their romance was blossoming quickly.
“I’ll give him a call and see what he says.”
Mason swiveled in his chair and nodded out his window. “He’s down at the Suomi Café with Anu. You should be able tocatch him there. And, Annie, thanks for helping out here. I know you’re pulling double duty with your own job, but you’ve stepped in when I needed you. I appreciate it.”
“I’m happy to help. We’ll solve this case together.” She rose, holding the atrocious coffee. “I’m meeting Jon and Kylie there for breakfast anyway.”
Having a plan felt like an accomplishment, and she didn’t think Max would turn down her plea. Not with Anu sitting right there. But it still didn’t give Annie an answer about what to do about Hussert lurking out there somewhere.
Annie hated to ask for help from anyone, but she steeled herself as she stepped inside the Suomi Café. The air was redolent with the scent of cardamom, yeast, and cinnamon. She spotted Anu’s stylish silvery-blonde bob in a back booth. She sat facing the door with Max across the table from her. The remains ofpanukakkualay scattered across both of their plates.
Anu spotted her, and her blue eyes crinkled in a smile. “Good morning, beautiful Annie. You seem to be a woman on a mission.”
“Could I join you a moment?”
Anu slid to the side. “Of course. You do not even need to ask.”
“You’re feeling well enough to be out and about?”
Anu nodded. “I refuse to stay inside on such a beautiful day, and Max parked right outside. I only had to walk a few steps.” She smiled at Max.
He reached across the table and took her hand. “I only want to be there for you.”
This was Annie’s opening. “Your help is why I’m here this morning too. You’ve always told me to let you know if you could do anything for me, but I’ve hated asking. Now I’m in a corner and need your help.”
“Anything.” He pulled his hand away and leaned forward with his hands clasped on the table. “What is it?”
His brown eyes and steady manner drew her in. “My sister is likely in danger.” She told him about Hussert’s escape with the help of three men. “I can’t have her around Kylie, and yet I want her safe.”
The dimple in his left cheek flashed when he smiled. “I would be happy to have her at the island. That’s what you were about to ask, right?”
“You are astute.”
“The island is secure, and my guards see any boat that comes our way. There aren’t many safe places to come ashore either. And there is plenty of room in the house, or she would be welcome to stay in one of the small cabins.” He pursed his lips. “The old homestead was built by your parents. Would you want her to stay there? It might be comforting to be where she spent time as a small child. Has she seen it since she’s arrived?”