Page 23 of Break of Day
His glance in her direction heated her cheeks. Alone time with him would be easier to find with Kylie gone for a week. Until now, she hadn’t thought about that fact.
“What’s up?” Mason asked.
“I ran into Henry Drood when I was out. He asked about Hussert’s escape and then mentioned he knew his best friend.”
Annie sat up straighter. “Best friend?”
“It’s a second cousin, Joel West. I knew I’d heard that name before but couldn’t quite pull it from my memory. The guy livesup in Eagle River. Henry said his daughter used to help babysit for West and Hussert back when they were kids.”
The name tickled Annie’s memory too, and she thought through the investigations. “Wait a second. Isn’t that the name of Shainya Blackburn’s ex-boyfriend?”
Shainya was a young Ojibwa woman they’d found in trouble in the woods. She’d been terrorized by two guys chasing her. She mentioned breaking up with an old boyfriend who was bad news, and Annie was sure that was the name.
Mason leaned closer to his computer screen. “Let me double-check.” It was only moments before he nodded. “Good memory, Annie. That’s the guy’s name.”
“What were all the charges against him?” she asked.
“Drug sales, breaking and entering, poaching. If you remember, he brought out-of-state people in for moose hunting at Isle Royale and a seventeen-year-old girl in the party went missing and was never found. When I talked to the sheriff, he didn’t seem to think anything sinister was going on.” Mason’s gaze collided with hers. “His hunting connection would make sense with what we know about Hussert. I’d turned the incident with Ms.Blackburn over to the tribal authorities and the sheriff up there, so I’ll see if he followed up with West. I have to be careful not to step on his toes.”
While he called the sheriff, Annie leaned over and took Jon’s hand. “What if we go out for dinner tonight? I don’t have to be in early with Kylie gone.”
His green eyes widened. “We could even go to a movie! Or go swimming in the moonlight.”
“Or maybe go to Calumet Theater. I haven’t been up there in ages.”
“How about I do some research and surprise you while you finish up work for the afternoon?”
The thought of a long evening spent in Jon’s company gave her fresh energy. When was the last time she’d had such a long block of time without any responsibilities? Since before Kylie was born. She adored her daughter, but until now, she hadn’t consciously realized she needed some time as an adult without anyone asking for something. It felt intoxicating.
“I can’t wait to see what you come up with,” she said.
Mason put down his phone. “The sheriff talked to West about Shainya’s attack, and he had an alibi, but it was weak. The sheriff thought Shainya would have recognized him if he’d been one of the two who chased her, so he dropped it. But he said West was cocky and belligerent, and he wouldn’t be surprised if he was involved somehow.”
Annie turned to Jon. “Did Henry know anything else about Hussert or West?”
“He said they’d been best friends from childhood, but that you seldom saw West down here. Usually Hussert went to Houghton. And they were hunting buddies.”
“I think we should have a talk with him,” she told Mason. “It’s two o’clock. We could take a run up to Houghton and see if we can track him down.”
“Before we do that, let me see what properties are listed in his name. Maybe he’s got a large tract of land where the men hunt.” He jiggled his mouse and went back to perusing his computer. “Looks like he only owns a place in Houghton.”
“Where’s he work?” Jon asked.
Mason consulted his notes again. “He owns an outfitters store. Outdoors West.”
“By himself?” Annie had to wonder if Hussert had joined him in that venture.
Mason went silent as he researched the question. “Looks like he owns it free and clear. No outstanding loans, and the corporation is only in his name.”
“He still could be behind Hussert’s escape. But if so, where did he stash him?”
“Glenn needs medical care,” Jon pointed out. “Does West have any connections to nurses or physicians? Glenn could die without some intense support.”
“Maybe West wouldn’t care, if it was all about keeping Glenn from testifying,” Mason said.
“I think it would have been more than that,” Jon said. “As his cousin, West would probably want him to survive.”
It made sense to Annie too. “You’re turning into a crack investigator, Jon. Good work.”