Page 60 of Break of Day
“Well, I wouldn’t dream of eating one in front of you. Let’s opt for coffee instead. Coffee is better than ice cream any day.”
Ursula rose and tucked a strand of her straight brown hair behind one ear. “You two go ahead, and I’ll join you when I get these papers transmitted.”
“We’ll save you a seat,” Annie promised.
They went out in the wind and walked down to the coffee shop. The rich aroma of coffee and cinnamon rolls vied for first place, but Annie didn’t want to make Anu’s diet harder on her. She placed their order for coffee only and paid while Anu grabbed them a table by the window.
Anu’s expression was pensive when Annie sat down and slidthe coffee across the table to her. “You seem a little sad. Regrets about the cabin? It’s not too late to back out.”
Anu made an obvious effort to alter her expression, but the shadow lingered in her eyes. “Oh no, no. I am very happy with my purchase. It is Max, you see.”
Annie took a sip of perfect, strong coffee. “He didn’t want you to buy the cottage?”
“He wishes to marry me,” Anu said. “While he has no objection to me having a project like the cottage, he says we would live on the island.”
“Not in the winter. It’s brutal out there and difficult to get to the mainland. The cottage would make the perfect winter retreat.”
“It is not so much where we would live. It is that my hesitancy has shown me I am quite unsure of how I feel about Max.” She took the lid off her latte and blew on it, then took a sip. “He is a most wonderful man. Kind, considerate. But I feel as if I perhaps do not know his deepest feelings. On the surface he seems eager to open up, but when I recall our conversations, I realize I am the one who did most of the talking. I know very little about his past and how he feels about the most personal things.”
“Have you talked to Max about it? Encouraged him to open up?”
Anu put the lid back on her drink. “Oh yes. He will give me some slight bit of information, but I still know very little. My first husband had many secrets I did not know or even suspect. I never want to be in that situation again.”
Annie struggled to remember more about Anu’s first husband. He’d been assumed dead for many years but had shown up in town six years ago. She hadn’t known Anu that well back then, and Annie didn’t know all the secrets.
“I understand.” Annie didn’t want to offer advice when Anu was so much wiser. The older woman had probably thought it all out before she said a word. “What are you going to do?”
The shadow in Anu’s eyes deepened. “I shall make one more attempt to persuade him to lower his guard. If that is unsuccessful, I do not believe I will go forward with the relationship.”
“I hope he is willing to let you in. I’ve always liked Max, and I’d love to see you settled and happy.”
The darkness in Anu’s expression vanished, and she laughed. “Oh, my dear Annie, I am most happy. A man is not what gives me contentment. Only God can do that. I would have liked companionship and a true commitment like you have with your Jon, but God has sustained me these many years, and he will continue to do so.”
Anu’s strong faith was one of the many things Annie loved about her. “I know you’re right.”
They drank their coffee and chatted while they waited for Ursula. “Has Max ever mentioned how that woman he found on his island got along? Sarah mentioned he’d had his staff take her to the hospital, but I never heard if she was released.”
Anu frowned. “He never discussed this incident with me, though I was there when the bloody jacket was found. It is yet another example of the way he is so private. I will ask him though.”
“That would be great. I wanted to ask her how she came to be injured out there. She might not have been chased like a couple of others, but I wanted to make sure there’s no connection. I still don’t even know her name.”
She spotted Ursula hurrying toward the coffee shop as the rain let loose again. “I’d better get Ursula’s coffee now. She’s going to need it.”
Sitting on the Blue Bonnet’s swing while gulls swooped overhead, Jon scrolled through his contacts, and his finger hovered over the entry for Lars Pederson. Like his dad said, Lars would likely be the calmer of the two. Maryanne tended to explode and then need time to cool off.
His dad patted Jon’s knee. “Make the call, Jon. If it turns nasty, give me the phone, and I’ll handle it.”
Jon nodded and touched the Call icon.
Lars answered on the second call. “I’ve been expecting your call for days.” His voice sounded weary.
Nothing like plunging right in without pleasantries. Jon cleared his throat. “Lars, you and Maryanne know me well enough to know Iwantyou to be involved in Kylie’s life. So does Annie. Has she ever gotten in the way of you seeing your granddaughter?”
“You meanyourdaughter.”
Jon winced at the venom in the older man’s voice. “If you’d talked to Kylie about this, you would know Nate is her daddy and always will be. I’m going to do my best to be there for her, but Lars, come on. You know how much I loved Nate. You reallythink I’d try to ruin his memory? Do you honestly believe I would do anything to harm you or Maryanne? Think, man. You know better than that.”