Page 64 of Break of Day
She leaned back against his broad, warm chest. “We both know Superior’s lethal power. If the waves didn’t get her, the cold would.”
“But she didn’t capsize. The kayak wouldn’t have been pulled up from the water like that. She had to have been there.”
They’d been over and over the possible scenarios, but nothing hopeful had panned out. She didn’t even know what the next best move was. Superior still held the bodies of Nate and her parents. People living along these shores had to come to grips with the reality of the big lake’s dominance.
“I have so many regrets.”
“You did a lot for her, Annie. Taking her in, giving her a job, even bailing her out. You don’t have anything to regret.”
“She’s my sister. I should have accepted her apology.”
“You have a responsibility to Kylie. That transcends everything else.”
Annie knew in her heart he was right, but that didn’t make this suffocating pain any better. Sarah had died out there without knowing Annie was ready to open her arms to her again. That she was prepared to be a true sister to her, to love her and protect her. She was even going to give her the marina.
Sarah died without any of that.
Jon stirred and dropped a kiss on her hair. “I’ve had thiscrazy idea. I didn’t want to entertain it, but I can’t go to sleep tonight without mentioning it. Is it possible the hunters found her and took her?”
Annie stiffened and turned to face him. “Th-that’s a crazy idea, Jon.”
His green eyes were somber in the wash of the porch light. “I know. But nothing makes sense about her disappearance. She should have been on the island. If she’d died in the lake, we wouldn’t have found her kayak. The dog was clearly with her too. Something doesn’t smell right about all of it.”
He was so right. She tried to wrap her head around the possibility. Though outrageous and unlikely, what did she have to lose by assuming it was possible? “I could talk to Candace one more time. If Glenn was involved, she might know where his most important hunts usually took place. If we knew where to search, we might find her in time.”
The chances of this working were so slim, she couldn’t even name the odds against it happening. But any chance was better than no chance.
He glanced at his phone. “It’s only eight. We could go see her now.”
“Let’s do it. I’m never going to sleep tonight anyway.” She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Thank you.”
He held her for a long moment. “Want me to drive? I just listed the car for sale. I might not have another opportunity. Someone will snatch up that beauty.”
Her heart squeezed at how much he was willing to give up for Kylie and her. “Someday maybe you’ll have another.”
His grin was crooked but heartfelt. “You and Kylie are worth ten Jaguars. I don’t need a sports car when I have you.”
He pulled out his keys and jangled them from his fingers. “Let’s go. We might not have much time.”
Her smile faded at the reminder of what her sister might be going through. Were men chasing her through the trees even now? Was she hiding in the woods or a cave somewhere? Had men already killed her?
But no, she couldn’t think like that.
She ran with Jon to his car and got buckled in. Staring out at the dark night as he broke the speed limit getting out to Glenn Hussert’s house, she prayed for Sarah’s safety and for her own acceptance of what the next few days might hold.
The lights blazed out of the Hussert windows when they pulled into the drive. She was out of the car almost before it rolled to a stop. Jon was right behind her as she ran to the porch and jammed her finger against the doorbell.
When Candace didn’t answer right away, Annie pounded on the door with her fist. “Candace!”
Finally, footsteps came toward the door. “Hang on, I’m coming.”
Candace was dressed in jeans and a jacket as though she’d either just gotten home or was getting ready to go out. She was smiling until recognition flashed across her face. “You’re the park ranger.”
“We need to talk to you. It’s urgent.”
“I was just about to go out. You can’t stay long.” Candace grudgingly stepped aside to let them in.
“My sister is missing,” Annie said. “We’ve been investigating a string of dead and missing tourists, and we believe there is a group operating up here that hunts people. People they think no one will miss. I’m afraid they’ve taken Sarah. If you know anything, anything at all, Candace, tell me now.”