Page 25 of Sinner's Redemption
Shutting the door behind me, I locked it, hearing Tessa scream, hit and kick the door. Ignoring her, I walked away and went to find my son.
It had been two weeks since I locked Tess down and, in that time, I got to know our son. As August said, I got the results of the paternity test. York Devlin Stone was one hundred percent mine. With that confirmation, the rules had truly changed.
The club was hosting our monthly meet and greet and all I could think about was the angry woman upstairs stewing. Sitting with my drink in hand, Barney once more sitting beside me. He wasn’t saying much, but then again, I didn’t expect him to. He was still angry at me because I called and told him Tessa wasn’t coming back to work and he had to foot the bill for the girls’ college fund for the next six months.
Next time he won’t make the mistake of going behind my back.
“Small crop tonight.”
“Yeah,” Barney sulked. “Apparently, one of my girls heard through the grapevine that you claimed Tessa. Pissed her off to no end. She made damn sure to spread the word that you weren’t accepting applicants anymore. Piece hates that you’re not available.”
“Why’s that?”
“She wanted you for herself.”
I smirked at that.
Fucking bitches always wanted the one with power. Women like that piece were a dime a dozen.
“She here?”
Barney nodded towards the bar where a pretty blonde was sitting chatting up Cynic. Nice rack but too much make-up for my tastes. “Name’s Stacie. Got a mouth on her. Should have fired her weeks ago when she went after Tessa.”
“What do you mean, went after Tessa?”
“Stacie was my top earning waitress before Tessa came home. But what the bitch really wanted was center stage. All the girls know dancers make more money, but Stacie can’t dance. Girl moves like a fucking piece of driftwood. Bad for business. When Tessa came back, I demoted Stacie, which caused a shitload of problems.”
“What problems?”
“You know the standard shit like cat fights, thrown drinks, lots of screaming, but when someone broke into Tessa’s locker and stole her tips, I was going to fire Stacie, but Tessa said I couldn’t because whoever took her money covered their face. But I knew it was Stacie.”
“Should have fired the bitch, anyway.”
“I was going to, but Tessa told me she would handle it. Only she never got the chance because you showed up and took her and no one has seen her since. So, tell me, Montana, where is Tessa?”
Rolling my eyes, I took a large swallow of my drink before replying. God, this bastard was like a lion with a sore tooth. I knew he cared about Tessa, but fuck. She wasn’t his blood.
“She’s fine, Barney.”
“Didn’t ask if she was fine, Montana. I asked where she was?” Barney snapped.
Well, well, well. Who knew Barney had a pair?
“She’s upstairs in my room. She’s fine.”
“I want to see her.”
“You’re pushing your luck, Barney. Don’t make me angry.”
Barney shook his head and got to his feet. “I have lots of respect for you and your club, Montana, but this is Tessa we’re talking about. I love that girl as if she were from my flesh. So, understand when I say this. I’m coming back tomorrow. If I don’t see Tessa, I will go to the police and file a missing person’s report.”
Slowly rising myself, I got in the man’s face. “Don’t threaten me. It won’t end well for you.”
Before he could retort, I walked away.
What the fuck was wrong with him? He knew better. His club was still running and making money because I deemed it. Motherfucker had a hard-on for Tessa, and I wanted to know why? What was it about that bitch that had everyone in her fucking corner?
Fuck this shit. Leaving the party, I headed for the offices.