Page 35 of Sinner's Redemption
“I know!”
“What did Romano say? Is he mad at you?”
“No,” Tia shook her head. “In fact, he was rather understanding. He listened, allowing me to tell him everything I knew. I gave him my keys to my old place and address to my apartment and the address to the house party I went to. I answered every question he asked and when it was all done, he drove me back here. He even gave me his card, asking if I remembered anything else, to call him immediately.”
Leaning back against the couch, I looked at my best friend in shock. Holy fuck. Tia never did shit by half-measures. When my girl did something, she did so with flare. “Are you safe here? Cause if you’re not, I can talk to Montana and see if you can stay with us.”
“Speaking of Montana. What the hell, girl!” Tia grinned, wiggling her eyebrows. “Holy fuck girl. That man is a walking, talking fuck stick. How the hell did you ever get hooked up with him?”
I laughed. “That is a long story. Short story is I met him while doing my residency at St. John’s Presbyterian. We dated for close to four years before I left to be with mom. He’s also York’s father.”
“Girl, a blind man could see that. York is the spitting image of him. Gotta say, Tess, he doesn’t look like the typical pussy boy you’ve dated. That man is all man if you catch my drift.”
Boy, she wasn’t wrong about that.
Walking back into Stone House, I found Mrs. Alice sitting at the kitchen table feeding York. Taking a seat, I rested my head on my hand and watched my son, smiling.
“Good afternoon, Ms. Tessa. How was your visit?”
“Good, and what have you and York been up to while I was gone?”
“Oh, master York and I had fun. The little master took a bath. Tried to capture a butterfly. Played with some blocks and now we are having lunch.”
“Sounds like he had a busy day.”
“He’s such a good boy, Ms. Tessa, just like his father was.”
“You’ve worked for the Stone Family for a long time, haven’t you, Mrs. Alice?”
“Yes. I was eighteen when I started working for the family. Mrs. Virginia had just given birth to Montana.”
“What was Montana like as a baby?”
Mrs. Alice smiled. “He was such a happy baby, just like master York. Montana always had a smile on his face. He loved everything. A curious boy, he also found mischief.”
“Montana has three brothers, if I remember correctly.”
Her smile faded. “Yes. Dakota, Arizona and Kansas.”
“Do they live in the city?”
Curious, I was about to ask another question when we heard the front door slam open. Jumping to my feet, I muttered, “What the hell?”
“Alice! Where’s my grandson?” a loud, boisterous voice shouted, as thunderous feet headed our way.
Alice shook her head. “That would be Mr. Stone.”
The man himself walked in and I stood in front of my son.
Holy shit. I was looking at the future Montana. The man walking toward me was a mountain of a man. Standing over six-foot six with bulging muscles, there wasn’t an ounce of fat on the man. The spitting image of Montana, the man’s steel-gray eyes while hard, hid a glint of mischief and laughter. His hair was black as night and streaked with silver gray strands, giving him the sexy silver -fox look. And fuck me, did that man pull that look off beautifully.
“Damn it, George. Montana doesn’t have…” a beautiful woman with blonde hair walked in behind him, stopping in her tracks as she spotted York. Dressed impeccably in a dark navy Chanel suit with a buttercream silk shirt, the stunning woman looked ready for New York fashion week. “Oh my God.”
“Told ya, woman,” the big man named George said, eyes glued to my son. Picking York up out of his highchair, I held him protectively. Though I knew these people were Montana’s parents, I didn’t know them, never met them and I wasn’t going to let anyone near my son.
The back door opened and in walked Montana.