Page 61 of Sinner's Redemption
Honking my horn, I yelled, “Hurry the fuck up, dick cheese!”
“Jesus, Montana, chill the fuck out,” Dakota sighed, sitting next to me. “So what if we miss kickoff?”
“It’s the Giants versus the Patriots man. I’ve got money on this damn game.”
“Oh, can I get in on that action?” my baby brother, Kansas, piped up from the back seat.
“NO!” Dakota and I yelled at the same time.
“Jeez, you fuckers. No need to yell,” Kansas sulked, sitting back. “Don’t forget, Montana, we need to pick up Amy.”
Growling, I muttered. “I know.”
Laying on the horn again, I took a quick look at Kansas and shook my head. My brother was in over his head with that chick.
Amy Lansing.
The sister of my best friend, August Lansing, Amy, was a total fucking slut. I tried persuading Kansas to just hit it and quit it, but my baby brother fell in love and, like the idiot I was, I didn’t have the heart to break his. So, I kept my mouth shut and did everything I could to make sure Kansas never found out about Amy’s nocturnal activities. The fact of the matter was Amy slept with everyone and anyone. Including me when I fucked her raw at Kansas birthday party two months ago.
My brother had just turned eighteen. He had his whole life ahead of him and I didn’t want him shackled to some piece like Amy. Had love for the girl, but she wasn’t wife or ol’ lady material. I knew if shit got too serious, I could go to dad and he would take care of it, but I hoped Kansas would come to his senses.
“About time,” Dakota said, as Arizona came running up with a shit-eating grin on his face. Jumping into the back seat, he said, “Got the booze!”
Before Dakota could complain, I put my car in reverse and peeled out of the driveway.
After picking up Amy, we all headed to the game.
The snow started falling as we made our way towards Gillette Stadium. It was going to be a great night. I couldn’t wait to cash in when the Patriots beat the fuck out of the Giants. I had plans for my winnings.
“Jesus, Montana,” Dakota shouted, gripping the dashboard. “Slow the fuck down.”
“Stop yelling, asshole. This shit is coming down fast.”
“Then slow down!” Arizona yelled, punching the back of my seat, and that’s when shit went sideways and downhill fast.
The second Arizona’s fist connected with my seat, I jerked the wheel, causing me to lose control of my car. Before I could correct the vehicle, we were falling. Covering my face, the windshield of my car shattered, blowing glass backwards as my brothers yelled and Amy screamed.
What I felt next chilled me to the bone.
We were sinking fast as ice cold water quickly filled the cab of my car.
Looking next to me, I saw Dakota leaning forward, not moving as blood dripped down his face. Turning around, I saw Kansas leaning against the frame of my car, eyes closed. Amy lay between Dakota and me, not moving. Placing my finger at her throat, I jerked back when I didn’t feel anything when I heard Arizona moan, “What the fuck happened?”
Snapping out of it, I shouted, “We need to get the fuck out!”. Hurrying to unbuckle my seatbelt, I tried to release Dakota’s belt, but it was stuck.
Turning around in my seat, I reached in the back and shook Kansas. “Wake up, Kansas! Come on, dude. Wake the fuck up!”
“He’s out cold, man,” Arizona moaned groggily.
“What happened?” Dakota groaned.
“We’re in the river. We have to get out of here. The car’s sinking!”
“My head hurts,” Dakota barely said.
“Come on, Kansas. Wake the fuck up!”
When Kansas didn’t respond, I checked his pulse. I sighed when I found it. He was alive.