Page 78 of Sinner's Redemption
“What the fuck?” I growled. “Why aren’t you inside the house?”
“Kali wanted Chinese,” my brother said, reaching into his saddlebag, removing a bag of takeout. “What the hell’s wrong with you?”
“Barney’s in the house.”
“And?” Kansas asked, walking over. “What’s the problem? He’s sweet on Tessa. Unless you are jealous of the fat fucker?”
“He’s working with Benson Graves.”
Kansas whistled. “That’s a name I haven’t heard in years. Thought dad and the Rejects took care of that fucker a long time ago?”
I shook my head. “Apparently, he survived. He’s been hiding out and living it up on the club’s dime as Tessa’s neighbor back in West Virginia.”
Kansas frowned. “That makes no sense. Why go there? He had to know that if we ever found him, the club would hunt his ass down. If he was smart, he would have left the country. Why West Virginia?”
“Because of Tessa’s mom. Snoopy is Tessa’s biological father.” Mercy spoke.
Kansas sighed. “And you think Benson knew all along who Tessa was?”
Kansas smirked. “Fucker is stupider than I originally thought. Snoopy won’t think twice about snapping that fucker’s neck. Does Tessa know?”
“No. I haven’t told her yet. I was going to, instead I said some shit that I shouldn’t have.”
“And now you have to grovel,” Kansas nodded, taking a sip of the soda he got for Kali. Then grimaced. “I fucking hate unsweetened tea.”
Bikes pulled into my garage.
Watching as my brothers parked and then got off their bikes, I was about to say something when a loud crash from inside my house had all of us running. Kicking in the kitchen door, I shouted, “Tessa!”
Shattering glass had me rushing towards the noise only to skid to a stop as my woman swung around, her leg extended as she roundhouse kicked Barney in the face, knocking him the fuck out.
“Damn,” Kansas grinned. “Where the hell did she learn to do that?”
“I taught her,” I whispered, staring at my woman with respect. Looking at Malice and Fury, I ordered, “I want him strung up in the mailroom. Do not start until I arrive. I mean it. Wait for me.”
Malice frowned while Fury grinned. “Got it, Prez.”
I said nothing as both men walked over and hauled Barney to his feet.
“Payne called. The club is ours,” Mercy said next to me.
Nodding, I said, “Get everyone over there. I want that place torn apart. Make sure Storm and Shame save everything. I’ll meet you over there when I’m done here.”
“What about the girls?”
“They stay. I want to talk to them. My gut is telling me one of those bitches is helping him,” I said, as I stared at Tessa. She hadn’t moved since we all showed.
Motherfucker split her lip and reddened her cheek.
The fucker hit her.
I was going to kill him…slowly.
“Get out of here,” I growled, walking towards her.
Fury emanated from her eyes.