Page 88 of Sinner's Redemption
“Already did,” Mercy grinned.
“Okay. Everyone get the fuck out of here. None of you need to hear me grovel,” I said, reaching for my phone as my brothers got to their feet and left.
This was one phone call I didn’t want to make.
If it wasn’t one thing, it was another. It was already bad enough she was angry at me for accusing her of shit she didn’t do, but now she thought I was with another woman. Leaning back in my chair, I had just pulled up my contact list when Dakota walked in.
Fuck my life.
Chapter Twenty-Six
“It’s going to be okay,” Kali whispered as she smoothed and rearranged a flower arrangement on the table. “He will be here.”
I wasn’t so sure.
After everything that went down, I wasn’t sure he was ever going to show. Both of us said things we couldn’t take back. Mean, hurtful things that still made me cringe.
If my mom were alive today, she would tan my hide.
I volunteered to arrive early with Kali and Kansas to help her make sure everything was ready. Though she hired a party planner, Kali needed to see for herself.
It was the night of the Vanderveer Cancer Research Gala.
Everyone who was anyone had RSVP’d.
It was going to be a night of fun, dancing, good food and money.
Dear God, there was going to be a lot of money passing hands tonight.
The Vanderveer Cancer Research Center held the annual ball to raise funds for cancer research. Kali’s mother died of cancer and mine recently did too. It was a cause I stood behind and supported wholeheartedly. The money made from tonight’s ball would go to lung and bronchus cancer research, the deadliest cancer. Lung cancer was responsible for the most cancer deaths worldwide. Nearly three times higher than colorectal cancer. While every cancer was bad, none was more so than lung cancer.
“It’s been three days, Kali. He showed up once to kiss York goodnight, then he left again. He won’t even acknowledge me. York and I live in his home. It’s not right.”
“Kansas told me he’s been sleeping at the clubhouse.”
I nodded. “I drove over there yesterday, and the gate guard told me I wasn’t welcome. That he was with someone. Told me I needed to go home and take care of my son.”
“Damn, that was harsh,” Kali muttered. “You know Montana would never, right?”
I knew what she was talking about and though I admit I felt a pang of worry when the gate guard told me he was with someone, I didn’t believe him. I knew Montana. Never once since we’ve been together had he ever gave me pause to worry in that regard. The man was faithful to a fault.
“I don’t know how to fix this if he won’t talk to me.”
“Just give him time, Tessa. He’s dealing with a lot from what Kansas told me.”
“Hello ladies,” Kansas grinned, walking over, kissing Kali on the cheek.
Smiling, I took in the man who looked so much like Montana. Kansas was a carbon copy of his older brother. Though the two looked alike, they were night and day. While Montana was firm and harsh, Kansas was sweet and kind. How the two were brothers, I would never know.
“You look beautiful tonight, Tessa,” he said, leaning over to kiss my cheek.
“Thank you,” I muttered, uncomfortably.
I still didn’t know why Kali and Virginia insisted I come tonight. I planned a fun-filled night of junk food and Netflix while I scoured the internet for a surgical position. I still hadn’t found a job, and I was getting desperate. The money in my account was running out, and I knew I couldn’t rely on Montana forever. Though he was York’s father, he was not responsible for my care and upkeep.
Rubbing his hands together, Kansas looked around the large ballroom and smiled. “Well, babe, the place looks good. Guests are arriving. Shall we?” he said, holding his arm out for her. Kali smiled lovingly up at him, taking his arm.