Page 17 of Reign By Wrath
“No need to thank me.” Alistair’s smile was predatory. “She’s my daughter. I’ll do anything for her.”
Was it just me, or were sparks shooting out of their eyes?
I didn’t know the full history between these three, but I was getting the feeling Alistair wasn’t joking about that offer to run away with Mom.
Mom cleared her throat. “Yes, thank you for getting Luna out of Regalia. But I don’t understand why you’re both back. You told me you’d be away for a while and that you’d send for us when you arrived in Crete.”
So that was the plan. Whisk me off to Greece where I’d live safely with Mom, Jack, and Alistair—likely in the luxury my father could clearly afford. So much of that would’ve been perfect. When he wasn’t irritating the mess out of me, Alistair made me laugh, think, and wish that I had a different life. One where he was there.
But there was a problem with that happy scene of a blended family in Greece. Winter wasn’t with us. And neither were my guys.
Moving on wasn’t possible while Everleigh Starling ran free. When I put her in the grave she had picked out for me, then I’d spend my time getting to know the father I just met, alongside enjoying life with my guys—who I hoped looked at me in twenty years the way Alistair still looked at my mom.
“That was the plan,” Alistair said, “but circumstances changed. Luna has unfinished business in Regalia.”
Mom’s eyes narrowed. “I see. I thought we agreed that our children weren’t you.”
“She’s not me, El. She’s the best of both of us. She can end this horrible nightmare and bring closure to our family. Or,” he said softly, “the person who killed our Winter can live free, rich, and unpunished. The choice is yours. We agreed.”
She flew to me, and I nodded. “No more fighting, secrets, or silent treatment. I can end this if you’ll trust me.”
Mom was quiet, flicking from me to Alistair. She settled on her former love. “Will she be safe?”
“She’s got the help of a couple of guys who were trained by the best. She’s also my daughter. She’s more than a match for what’s coming.”
Lips pursed, Mom’s face was unreadable. “I’ll think about it.”
I knew better than to push. It wasn’t like I was going to kick Everleigh’s face in right that minute. There were other people I needed to see first.
“Where are my guys?”
“Their home was burned down, and a cache of weapons was found in the remains.”
My eyes bugged, remembering that horrifying detail.
“Starling was good enough to drop them off in front of the police station after she released them.”
“And you didn’t tell me this!”
He shrugged, completely unfazed by my rage. “I told you Ronin was handling the situation. He arranged for their release from custody. They’re suspended from school but not under arrest while they sort everything out.”
“I need to see them. Now.”
“I’m told Victor Wilson put them up in his beach house. I’ll take you.”
I took off, then halted. “Wait, should you? Everleigh did all this to get you here, so here is the last place you should be.”
Alistair sidestepped me and strode off. “Did you think I was going to drop you in danger, then float off in my prepper bunker?”
“What else have you been doing for the last eighteen years?”
“Luna!” Mom cried.
Alistair howled. “Don’t worry, El. We have the lovingly antagonistic relationship only a father and daughter can have. She’s got to give me shit to make sure I don’t get too comfortable.”
“She has to do no such thing.” Mom towed me in, resuming her tight hug. “We’ll talk about everything tonight. Alistair, the Burkhardts, everything I wanted to tell you but couldn’t. Alistair isn’t at fault for any of this. He was only respecting my wishes.”
I rested my head on her shoulder. “I want to talk, Mom, but Alistair does have to go. You both know how dangerous it is to have a Starling after you.”