Page 81 of Reign By Wrath
“Under my thumb? My dear, if I had knowledge of a member of a criminal organization, I would turn that information over to the authorities.”
Nimia turned my cheek and held different swatches of shades of pink up to my cheek.
“Maybe if we spoke in private—”
“My answer will not change in private,” Astoria sliced in. “I know nothing about the late Everton Starling that can help you. It wasn’t until this moment that I learned he was one of these... Rogues?”
She actually said it like a question. As if she didn’t know exactly who the Rogues were and knew them better than me.
“Now, how about we stop all this unpleasant talk, and you tell me more about yourself? I’m told you completed your high school education in France. How did you enjoy your time? I’ve always loved France.”
“I didn’t enjoy my time. While I was there, my sister was bullied so badly she committed suicide, and there was nothing I could do to help her,” I replied. “The person responsible is running around free, and with what you know, I can do something about that. I know you don’t care about me or Winter but—”
“Stop saying that.”
The sharp bark trapped my tongue.
“I never said I was indifferent toward you. I never felt it either.” She rose from her seat. “The decision to not be a part of your life was one that was made for me. After I lost my son and your mother was left to raise the two of you alone, I offered to adopt you and your sister. It was my desire to raise you in your home, with your family.”
I rocked back. She what?
“Your mother said noheatedlyandcolorfully. She said she wouldn’t allow me to raise her children to be ashamed of her. Strangers to her. She resisted all my attempts to help her rear and educate you both in the right ways. Instead, choosing poverty and struggle as though her spitefulness was hurting me more than the two of you.”
Astoria’s sweet tone was gone. Finally, I was meeting the real her.
“In the end, she married your stepfather. Proving she wasn’t opposed to privilege and money. Just mine.”
“You wanted to take her children away. How else was she supposed to react?”
“I wanted to raise you both as Burkhardts. To give you everything my son rejected. To keep yousafe.” She sniffed. “But Eloise wanted me to stay away, so that’s what I did. She does not get to make me the villain all these years later, claiming abandonment. All I’ve done is honor the wishes of your parents. I stayed away.”
I clenched my teeth, penning in a hasty response. From her point of view, I could see why she believed she was wronged. There was a difference between ignoring your granddaughters and being told to stay away from them. Hurt like that easily turned into resentment.
All the same, what happened eighteen years ago couldn’t be changed. It was done.
“Seems like all of this was out of both our control,” I said, keeping my tone even. “It can be different now. We can get to know each other now, but only if you mean it. Saylor said you hated me for what I did to her—selling her texts to the town.”
“Hmm. Hate is a strong word, dear.” She returned to her seat. Ever the placid billionaire, her mask slid back into place. “I can’t say that I was pleased that you broke the one and only rule of our family and thus exposed the Burkhardts to embarrassment and repercussions that resound longer and deeper than your rivalry with Saylor.
“You’ve left me with quite a mess, Luna. I won’t deny it. But”—an echo of a smile changed her features—“had your target been anyone else, I’d be impressed. You are your father’s daughter through and through. Who raised you couldn’t change that.”
Discomfort shuffled my feet. Astoria was complimenting me. The part of me that couldn’t help seeking her approval preened. The other part started to see myself in a new light.
Astoria also approved of Saylor and all the things she did. It was hard not to think that Astoria’s happy... that I’m a bully.
I shook the thought away.Not going there.
“If you don’t hate me, why wasn’t I allowed back in the manor after Alistair left? Why can’t I see William?”
“A sweetheart neckline is just the thing, Nimia,” Astoria called. “Or would you prefer a V-neck, Luna?”
I stared at her. She nodded.
“Sweetheart it is.”
She wasn’t going to make me repeat the question, so I waited. Astoria took her time sipping her drink, pulling her compact from her bag, and reapplying her lipstick.
“You asked about your grandfather,” she finally said. “He’s been under a lot of stress lately. The company is losing contracts. My son is losing campaign contributors. Saylor’s distressed. Alistair disappeared as quickly as he reappeared. Forgive me if I needed peace to return to our home and to allow my husband time to relax. I very much hope that you two will meet. When the time is right.”