Page 89 of Reign By Wrath
Everleigh forced me to her car and shoved me against the door. “Now, I’ll stash you inside Wolf’s OCD fortress, and we’ll wait for Alistair to show up. Between you and me”—she pressed her lips to my ear—“I’m doing this at Wolf’s place because he’s going down for it. It’ll look like he attacked Alistair for the laptop, it all went wrong, and they took each other out.”
My eyes widened.
“I was never going to let him take over the Rogues. He knows too much about me and what I’ve done. Why would I let someone who can, and would, blackmail me become more powerful?” She laughed. “I swear, it’s some kind of male arrogance that makes them think they’re always the smartest person in the room. It never occurs to them that a woman is telling them what they want to hear until their back is turned and they shut them up for good.”
My chest heaved, practically bouncing me on the car. I had to do something. Think of a way out. If Wolf was anything like Wilder, then fortress was putting it lightly. I had no doubt that there was one way into his place and no way out. I couldn’t let Everleigh lure Alistair into that trap.
“Must be some kind of psychopath’s arrogance that makes you monologue your entire plan,” I blurted. “In a world full of locks, the man with the key knows everything. How hasn’t it occurred to you that Wolf has a backup plan for his backup plan in case you try to betray him? He rips through people’s dirty secrets for fun. He knows no one can be trusted.”
“Eh,” she breezed. “I’m sure it has occurred to him. Doesn’t mean he can save himself. Get inside.” Everleigh shoved me in the passenger seat. She shut the door and leaned through the window. “I’ve got backup plans for my backup plans too. When this night is over, I’ll achieve everything my father died for. That shit-stain Burkhardt dead, the Rogues mine, and as a bonus, the Royals begging and nipping at my heels.”
“Saylor will get the Royals back.”
“How?” She laughed. “Because she’s got my phone and can blackmail them now too? The difference is they’ve all read her text messages. Nice job, Baby Burkhardt. You’ve turned everyone off your family for good. There’s nothing they can do, say, or threaten that’ll make anyone go back to them.”
I turned away, gazing out into the dark. “This isn’t going to turn out the way you want, Everleigh. People like you, you’re destined to fail. It’s just how it works.”
I saw her jaw clench from the corner of my eye. “We’ll see about that, bit—”
Everleigh seized up—mouth ripping open in a silent scream. She jerked and flopped against the car, the only thing holding her up... until she wasn’t. I couldn’t stop a smile as she tipped and collapsed in the dirt.
Alistair flipped the stun gun on his palm, looking down at her with vague interest. “So much hate in one small young woman.”
“Alistair!” I burst into tears—pain and stress bowling me over in an instant.
“Luna, sweetheart. It’s okay.” He reached in and lifted me out of the car. “It’s okay, I’m here.”
“H-how are you here?” I buried my face in his chest. It was likely he couldn’t understand my muffled moaning. “You were gone. The boat—”
“The boat left without me. I never left, Luna. I’ll never leave you again.” He started walking, carrying me—I didn’t know where. All I could do was cry.
We thought we were so clever. Getting the one up on Everleigh little by little, but she was always a step ahead of us.
“We have to get away from here. I called the fire department. They’ll show up any minute.”
“We have to get away and save my guys,” I cried. “Wolfgang separated from us. He took Victor while Everleigh had Wilder, Rafael, Cato, and Lucien turned over to the police.”
“One thing at a time, Luna. But I can tell you right now, those terrorist charges won’t stick.” I bobbed in his arms—warm. Safe. “Captain Capaldi learned not to cross me a long time ago. A private chat with her will clear this whole mess up.”
“And Victor?”
Alistair carried me through the trees into a small clearing. A black, shiny Porsche waited for us.
“Wolf wants to ransom him,” I said. “He won’t accept less than millions and... your laptop.”
He paused for a second. “He wants the laptop? It shouldn’t surprise me that word leaked of how valuable my laptop is. But if I must, I will give Wolfgang O’Rourke what he wants. I’d never choose the Rogues over your happiness, Luna.”
That hard, painful ball of resentment ignited.
“Never, baby girl. I love you.”
Tears streaming, it turned to ash. My dad was here. He picked me.
“I love you too.”
Alistair set me on my feet. I shook my head clear while he worked on the thick band of ropes binding my wrists.
“You didn’t leave Regalia, but how did you get to me so fast?”