Page 52 of Escape to Tuscany
‘But this is monstrous,’ Marco says. ‘You have a whole list of options and you just pick the first one? What about planning? Feasibility, value for money, pros and cons?’
‘That’s the point,’ I say. ‘This is a system for making quick decisions, not reasoned decisions. Besides, it’s how I picked you.’
‘What, really?’
‘Yes. Chiara sent me a list of lawyers and you were at the top, so I called you. Done.’
‘Oh.’ He looks thoughtful. ‘Well, maybe I can loosen up a bit. Tell me again what I have to do.’
I push his phone towards him. ‘Open Google and search for what you want.’
‘So I just type inhotel siena?’
‘No, no. Rookie mistake. That’s how you end up in a conference centre full of German businessmen – unless that’s your thing, of course.’
‘It really isn’t.’ He picks up his phone. ‘So…’
‘You’ve got to be specific,’ I say. ‘The more search terms you include, the better the choices.’
‘Okay. How aboutromantic hotel central siena?’
‘You’ve got the idea. Though personally I’d go forromantic hotel central siena air conditioning bug screens.’
‘Good point.’ He starts to type, then pauses. ‘No, wait.Romantic hotel central siena air conditioning bug screens free parking.’
‘I think we’ve cracked it.’ I take a sip of my spritz. ‘Okay, what’s the first result?’
‘Hotel Pandolfo Petrucci,’ he says.
‘Pandolfo who?’
‘Petrucci. Lord of Siena in the late fifteenth–early sixteenth century. I think he was involved in the conspiracy to assassinate Cesare Borgia.’
‘Ooh, the romance.’
‘The place looks nice, though.’ He scrolls. ‘Really nice. Let’s see: air conditioning, check, bug screens, free parking, soundproofing… oh, but it’s right by piazza del Campo,’ he says, naming Siena’s famous fan-shaped central square. ‘Kind of touristy. Maybe if we look a couple of streets back…’
‘You’re missing the point of the system,’ I say. ‘Call them and see if they have a room. And if they don’t, then we move on to option number two.’
‘No thinking. That’s the rule.’
‘Very well,’ Marco says. ‘Let’s give it a try.’ He puts the phone to his ear and reaches for my hand. ‘Good afternoon. I know this is short notice, but do you happen to have a double room free for tonight? Yes, I’ll wait.’ God, I love hearing him speak Italian. I squeeze his hand and he gives me a wink that makes my toes curl.
‘Oh, you have a cancellation?’ he says at last. ‘Double room, courtyard-facing.’ He raises an eyebrow, and I nod. ‘Yes, that’s fine. When is the room available…? Great. The name’s Marco Guadagni. See you shortly.’
‘What can I say?’ I smile as he turns to me. ‘The system works.’
‘Let’s see what the place is like first,’ Marco says. ‘The room’s ready when we are. You ready?’
I drain the last of my spritz and get to my feet. I’m nervous and my knees feel a little wobbly, but this isn’t fear. It’s anticipation.
‘Ready,’ I say.