Page 13 of Bait
I returned his smile. "Definitely, if I can get someone to drive me." I narrowed my eyes at Mannix, hoping he'd get the hint to chill out. I didn't know what his problem with Charlie was and I didn't care. Charlie was a nice guy and hopefully soon a co-worker. Nothing more.
"Hurry up," Mannix snapped. He turned and stomped out the door toward the SUV.
I shrugged at Charlie and grabbed up my stuff before I trotted out after him and slipped into the passenger seat.
Like before, he barely gave me time to close the door and fasten my seatbelt before he pulled away from the curb.
"What is your fucking problem?" I asked him.
"Why was he touching you?" Mannix snapped.
I stared at him. "What?"
"Why. Was. He. Touching. You?" he said again, slowly and deliberately.
"He wasn't…" I shook my head. "He's a coach. He was lifting me up to the bars. That was all. Why? Are you worried I was giving him a blowjob before you got there?"
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, because Mannix's face turned red. He screeched the SUV down a side street and slammed on the brakes so hard I almost bounced my head on the dashboard.
"What the hell, Mannix?" My head spun for a moment. "Are you trying to kill us?"
Judging by the expression on his face, that was exactly what he was trying to do.
He lurched towards me. I backed up until my shoulders hit the SUV's window. The expression on his face was intense, his eyes darker than ever.
He grabbed a fistful of my hair and curled it around his fingers. He drew me toward him until my face was a couple of centimetres from his. His breath was blazing hot on my cheek.
My heart thundered through my chest. I could hardly think, barely breathe. Being so close to him was an attack on all of my senses. Heat radiated off him, churned with a dose of fury and lust. If I looked down, I knew I'd see his hard cock pressed against the zipper of his jeans. The feel and smell of him was pure sex.
Oh fuck.
"Why did he touch you?" he growled. His teeth were gritted together, bared like a wild animal. If Charlie was here, he might bite his head off with one snap.
"I told you, he's a coach. He was doing his job. Nothing else. It was harmless." I swallowed hard. "Why do you care anyway?"
His fist tightened around my head to the point of pain. "Because no one touches you," he said slowly, his tone menacing, bordering on terrifying. "No one touches you butme. Do you understand me?No one."
My head spun harder. What the hell was he saying? I was convinced he hated my guts, but then he said things like that? He was going to give me whiplash with his sudden change.
"I don't—"
He pulled me until his stubble scratched over my lips and the side of my cheek. My eyes watered from the pain, but I didn't want him to stop. Didn't want him to let go.
"Princess, I know you want me as much as I want you. You want me to fuck you until you scream. I see it in your eyes every time you look at me. Did you think I wouldn't notice? Did you think I wouldn't feel it too? The moment I set eyes on you, I knew you were mine. You knew it, too, didn't you? Your pussy is dripping right now. Dripping for me."
I didn't know how to answer that, so I let out a breathless whimper. I was wetter than hell. Yes, I wanted him to touch me, but I still wasn't convinced he didn't hate me. I was also not convinced I'd say no to anything he tried to do to me. Yeah, I wanted him so bad it hurt. I wanted to spread my thighs and let him bury his face between them. I wanted to feel him fill me with every centimetre he had.
"You are mine and no one touches you but me," he said again. "I don't give a fuck if he's a coach or a fucking gynaecologist. No one lays a hand on you. Do you hear me? Do you?"
"Ye— Yes I do," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
He paused for a moment, then brushed his lips over mine. It was barely a kiss. A feather light touch. And then he released my hair and sat back.
"We should get back," he said like nothing happened. "I have things to do. If you need to go anywhere, I'll drive you. I'll watch the whole time you're there if I have to."
I combed my fingers through my hair to straighten it and sat back up in my seat. "That could make it difficult to teach if you're lurking around all the time." My heart slowed gradually, but my whole body throbbed with need. What would it be like to have him on top of me? Inside me? The thought threatened to consume me like an inferno.
"Don't give me an excuse to lurk around then," he said. As if I was somehow responsible for the actions of someone else.