Page 32 of Bait
"If you name something, then you have to keep it." Ice nodded. "I don't usually bother naming the people I work with, but I'm particularly attached to Stuart here. I could keep playing with him for days. He's been a ton of fun."
Luckily the building was soundproofed, and this room was down in the basement. The whole of Dusk Bay would have heard Stuart screaming otherwise. Not to mention all the other people Ice worked with.
Stuart groaned. He tried to lash out at us, but it was a weak attempt at best.
"I think he's trying to get us to kill him," I remarked.
"You know, I think you're right."
Ice stepped closer to Stuart, almost nose to nose. "Let's do a deal, Stuart, my friend. Tell us what we want to know and then you can die. All of the pain will go away. All of your broken bones and cuts and bruises will stop hurting." He spoke in a soft, melodic tone, like he was promising something wonderful. Considering the state Stuart was in, it probably would be.
I made a mental note a long time ago not to get on the bad side of my friend here. He knew more ways to fuck people up than anyone I ever knew. Physically at least. Ares knew all the ways to get to people mentally. Me, I knew how to hit them financially. How to make their businesses crumble down around their pathetic ears. With Kennedy on board, we could attack them remotely before moving in for the kill. We'd be the perfect team of destruction and retribution. Justice, if you wanted to put it that way.
"Okay," Stuart said weakly. "I'll talk. To him." He awkwardly jerked his head in my direction.
"Ouch." Ice pouted playfully. "I thought we were getting along so well." He stepped back and gestured for me to approach.
My eyes on Stuart, I moved over to him, not quite as close as Ice got, but close enough to hear.
"Talk," I snapped.
Stuart huffed out a breath. "You're a motherfucker. Your father is a motherfucker. Your days are numbered and so are his."
I lashed out and punched him in the stomach.
He grunted, then howled in pain. The sound only lasted for a second or two before his eyes widened and he fell still.
"Mannix!" Ice drew my name out like a whine. "Did you kill Stuart? You weren't supposed to kill Stuart." He stepped over and poked Stuart in the arm with the blade of one of his knives. The steel went right through skin and muscle and grazed against bone with a grinding sound.
"He's dead all right. That sucks. Now who am I going to play with?" He sighed, but his expression quickly returned to a smile. "Lucky for me, I can play with you and Kennedy. And Ares when he stops being a giant twat." He gave me a sideways hug and almost stabbed me in the hip with the knife.
I jumped to the side. "Watch what you're doing. I don't need you to stab me with that." The dickhead could have cut off my nuts or my cock. If he did, his would be next. I'd shove them down his throat and leave him like that for a while.
"Of course not, I have something much better to stab you with." He grabbed his groin and grinned.
My heart thudded in my chest like a hammer. I couldn't forget the way his mouth felt around my cock, and the way Kennedy watched us and got herself off. The whole thing was etched into my brain like a tattoo. Hot and hard. Both of them were beyond perfect. Them and Ares, they were the people I wanted to walk alongside on this fucked up journey, this twisted life of mine.
"As much as I'd love to, I need to report to my father." I sighed. I didn't want anyone taking him out, but at the same time I looked forward to the day I didn't have to answer to him any more. I could just get Ice down on his knees in the fresh blood on the floor and let him blow me off. Or maybe I could let him chain Kennedy up and we could—
I shook my head. For now, I needed to focus on what I had to do, and that was tell my father about Stuart, or whatever his fucking name was.
"What are you going to tell him?" Ice asked. "The only thing I got from him was a lot of sass, and a few days of fun. Also right there, on his thigh, that's dried cum. I was having so much fun, I couldn't help myself."
I patted him on the shoulder. "You keep doing you, bro. I'll tell my dad someone is coming for us, but Stuart didn't know who it was." At least half of that was true, maybe all of it. Whatever, this was a fact he couldn't check against Stuart's word. The fact, he already knew to be true, this just confirmed it.
"Sounds reasonable," Ice said. "Maybe he can bring us someone else to play with."
I could think of at least one person I'd like to hand over to Ice and his knives. I had a conversation with Charlie, the gymnastics coach, after seeing him touch Kennedy the other day. The memory of his hands on her still made me furious, murderous.
Of course, I was nothing but pleasant to him, merely outlining exactly what would happen to him if he touched her again. I would have liked to stop him from even looking at her, or being in the same room as her, but she insisted on working at that gym, and the owner was resistant to my offers to buy the place. Charlie's sudden disappearance might freak Kennedy out, so I had to make do with a warning for now.
"I'm sure he'll find someone soon enough. If someone like the Bells are coming after us, then people like Stuart here are going to come out of the woodwork. You might need a bigger workspace. Maybe a trainee to help you with your toys."
Ice's eyes widened. "Do you think Kennedy would enjoy this? I could teach her all the things. I wonder if she likes red, too. It's my favourite colour. I like all shades of it. Especially her hair and the exact colour of fresh blood."
"You're a sick fuck, bro," I said affectionately.
He grinned. "You say the sweetest things."