Page 36 of Bait
"So is intimidation." Mannix was unmoved. "When you screw with our girl, I don't give a fuck about your privacy. All fucking bets are off. Can you get into the club’s systems?"
I blinked and shook my head. "Are you suggesting I hack in?"
Ice sat forward eagerly in his chair. "Can you? I'd love to see that."
"Hacking is also illegal," I pointed out.
"Yeah, but can you do it?" Ice wasn't even slightly deterred by the illegality. If anything, he looked aroused.
"It's a simple system," I said slowly. "It wouldn't take much effort to get in, but—"
"Then do it," Mannix said. "We need to know if someone there is coming after you so we can stop them."
"Is this where you say I do something illegal or I'm going to be stuck in these four walls for the rest of my life?" I asked. I didn’t like either option particularly much.
Mannix smiled. "That's exactly what I'm saying. You have access to those files when you're at work, so what's the big deal? You're just accessing them from a different place. And it's for a good cause."
I sighed. "If they have some software that tracks this back to here…" I could go to prison. I could certainly kiss my career goodbye. My degree too. This was all kinds of fucked up. Was I even considering doing this?
"We'll say Ares did it." Ice grinned.
Ares flipped him off. "Fuck off. We'll tell them she was working from home. Trying to help streamline their system. If I know anything about computers, they need it."
Nicola only just let me help with invoices, but Ares was right. The filing system the gym used was out of date and clunky, to say the least. I could easily improve it for them. I thought about offering, but I wasn't sure the excuse that I tried to do it for them from home would fly. Hopefully no one would find out what I was about to do.
I stood up, grabbed my laptop from where it lay on the island and sat back down before I opened it.
"For the record, I think this is a bad idea."
"It's a good idea if it stops anything bad from happening to you." Ice scooted over beside me, until his thigh touched mine. "In fact, I think it might be a good idea if Ares and I moved in here for a while."
To Mannix he said, "Do you think Leo will mind?"
"When I tell him why, he'll be fine with that," Mannix said. Judging by the expression on his face, he didn't much care what his father thought. If he decided they should move in, then they would.
"You wouldn't mind, would you, Beautiful?" Ice asked.
"That depends if you guys are planning to take turns following me around or some shit like that." I tapped my screen and looked for the gymnasium's website.
"That's a good idea," Ice said. "I volunteer to take all night every night." He grinned. "Don't worry, I'll let you get an hour or two of sleep here or there."
My heart skipped a beat at the idea of what he'd do to keep me awake for the rest of the time. That part didn’t sound so bad.
"I don't need a bodyguard," I said.
"Guarding your body would be a bonus on top of all the other things I would do to it," Ice said.
"Could you stop thinking with your cock for two seconds?" Ares growled.
Ice shrugged. "I could, but why would I want to? Have you seen how hot this woman is? You can't tell us you don't want her as much as Mannix and I do."
Ares grunted and scowled, but he didn't deny it.
Mannix came to look over my shoulder. "Are you in yet?"
Ice grinned. "If I was in, you wouldn't have to ask."
I caught Ares' eye as we simultaneously rolled our eyes. I smiled, but he only smirked in response. Fine, if that was the way he wanted it. I wasn't going to lose any sleep over his attitude.