Page 4 of Bait
So, of course, that was exactly what I wanted to do.
The driver looked just as cut, but where the first guy was blond and blue-eyed, this guy had dark hair and dark eyes. The kind that could see right through you, because he can't be bothered to lookatyou. His white T-shirt contrasted with tanned skin. I couldn't help wondering what he’d look like if that T-shirt was wet and clinging to every dip and groove of his body. Droplets of water cascading from his hair and face when he shook his head. His…
That thought made my mouth dry and sent a rush of warmth through my body.
I swallowed hard.
A third guy got out of the back of the car. The sides of his mouth turned up in a smile. He said something to the blond, and got a glance in return, but no other response. For some reason, that made him grin. He pushed dark hair out of his eyes and moved around to the back of the car to open it and pull out a suitcase. To go with his dark hair, he was dressed completely in black. A t-shirt like the other two, over ripped jeans. His hair was pulled back in a bun.
Unlike the other two guys, he looked completely at home.
"Please say he's my stepbrother-to-be," I muttered. According to Mum, he'd just finished his degree at Brutham Academy and was returning to Dusk Bay to work for his father.
The guy with the white T-shirt stepped around and yanked the handle of the suitcase out of the other guy's hand before rolling it towards the house.
Crap. Of course it couldn't be the guy who actually looked friendly.
My mother hurried over to the door to greet them, but I hung back.
"Mannix!" She greeted him with open arms.
He gave her the shortest hug in human history, before stepping aside to let the other guys enter.
"Helen." He nodded towards the blond. "Ares." Then to man bun. "Isaac."
Isaac grinned and held out his hand to Mum. "Everyone calls me Ice. It's nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too, Isaac," Mum said. Apparently, ‘everybody,’ didn't apply to her. She turned to look at me and waved me forward.
"This is my daughter, Kennedy Knight."
I didn't miss the way all of the guys raked up and down my body with their eyes. Or the way Ares curled his lip at me. Ice regarded me with interest. Mannix's expression was unreadable, but he carried an air of annoyance at my existence.
Ice surprised me by stepping forward and grabbing me up in a bear hug. "Don't mind those two. They'll be nice when they get their heads out of their asses."
I hugged him back. He smelled nice, like a combination of musk and cinnamon.
"When will that be?" I asked sweetly.
Ice chuckled. "Hopefully some time this decade, before they suffocate on their own shit."
"Fuck off," Ares growled. "Not everyone likes annoyingly cheerful." His sneer seemed to be the default expression every time he looked at me. Although, he looked at Ice the same way. Maybe he was just a dick.
"My theory is that he got out on the wrong side of the bed about twenty years ago," Ice whispered loudly to me.
Ares flipped him off.
"Is my father around?" Apparently Mannix was done with the pleasantries. If you could call them that.
"He's upstairs in his office," Mum said. She didn't seem concerned at any of their attitudes. Then again, she was so deliriously happy with Leo, she probably wouldn't notice if the world ended right in front of her face.
"I need to talk to him, then I'll drive you clowns home," Mannix said.
"I could drive Ares home," Ice offered.
Mannix and Ares both said, "No!" At the same time.
"The last time you drove, we ended up in a ditch," Ares growled.