Page 41 of Bait
"Are you saying you'd come to my rescue?" I asked. "Even though I'm a spoilt brat, according to you."
"Just because I don't like you doesn't mean I want anything bad to happen to you," he said. "Besides, the other guys would drag me along, whether I wanted to go or not. Now they've staked their claim on you, they're not going to let you go, no matter what it takes to keep you."
"What about you?" I found myself asking. "Are you going to try to stake your claim too?" Did I want him to? He was a massive asshole, but sitting this close to him made my body throb. I couldn't help imagining the way it would feel to have his hands on me, touching me, parting my thighs. His face diving between my legs. His cock sliding into my pussy.
His eyebrows quirked. "Flushed cheeks, dilated pupils, shallow breathing. All classic signs of arousal. You hate my guts, but youwantme to claim you." He sat forward slightly. "If I took you over to that couch," he jerked his head to the side, "bent you over it and pulled up that skirt of yours, you'd be dripping for me. I wouldn't need to touch you, you'd be so wet, I could slide my cock right in. I could pound you so hard I'd ruin that precious little pussy of yours. And you know what you would do? You'd beg me for more."
He sat back and looked smug.
I cleared my throat and waited until my racing heart slowed. What was it with these guys and their ability to get me going with only words?
"That sounds like a yes to me," I said when I could finally speak. "You do want to stake a claim to me."
He did, I saw it on his face, but he rolled his eyes. "If I ever lose my self control and fuck you, that would be all it was. Just a fuck. If you ever think I'll have feelings for you, forget it right now. The only feelings I have toward you are annoyance, irritation and…" He paused for a moment. "No, that's about it."
"Good," I said. "Because that's exactly what I feel for you too."
"I'm glad we understand each other. I'd hate for you to be living under some delusion in which Mannix, Ice and I are some kind of harem for you. As long as you're with them, I'll tolerate you, but only for their sake."
"I'm glad we cleared that up." I picked up my empty coffee cup and slipped off my stool. "I'll do my best to stay off your cock."
"You do that," he said as though this was some kind of rational conversation we were having. "I'll do my best to stay out of your pussy."
"Good." I turned on the coffee machine. "I'm sure, between us, we can prevent any nasty accidents."
"That might be the most sensible thing I've heard you say," he said.
That was bullshit; I'd said plenty of sensible things in his presence, but I didn't dignify it with an answer. I didn't know why he decided to hate me, but he had and apparently there was nothing I could do to change his mind. I asked myself why it mattered so much, but the only answer I had was that he was Mannix and Ice's friend and it was easier if we all got along. It had absolutely nothing to do with the way my pulse raced whenever he was around. Or the way he'd come to my rescue with or without the other guys. I didn't call him out on that, but we both knew it was true. If I needed him to beat the shit out of anyone—I hoped I never did—he'd do it.
"This is where I should offer to make you a coffee—" I started.
Before I could tell him he could think again, he said, "I'd love one, thanks. Strong, like me."
I smiled sweetly. "So lots of sugar and a shit load of milk then?" That would make it as weak as coffee could be.
He snorted a laugh. "Good try, but we both know I meant super strong. And extra thick." His gaze dropped toward his groin.
"I didn't realise we were talking about the head on your shoulders," I said tartly. "Extra thick sounds exactly right."
"And yet, you're thinking about my nice, thick cock right now, aren't you?" He smirked.
Yeah, unfortunately he was right. The idea of slipping and accidentally falling on his cock didn't sound so bad right now. If only he wasn't an arrogant, self-centred, smug asshole. The fact he was made him easier to resist. Kinda.
"Are you studying psychology so you can be a therapist some day?" I asked. "Or just so you can be even more annoying by pretending to read what's going on in people's heads?"
"I don't need to pretend," he said. "Most people wear whatever they’re thinking on their faces like a mask."
I knew his choice of words was coincidental, but they still sent a spike of unease up and down my spine.
I went right back to that night.
"They're going to be pissed off I let you go, but don't worry. I'll deal with them. I know just the way to handle them, like I know how to handle you. You're probably thinking I don't have a clue, but I know more than you might imagine. Such a sweet perfume, little mouse. I don't mean the stuff you dabbed on behind your ears and on your wrists. I mean the scent of you. Your pussy. Your arousal. Your fear." He took a long, slow sniff of the air. "Intoxicating."
Without realising, I whimpered softly.
"Holy shit," Ares whispered. "Don't do that."
I slammed right back into the present.