Page 7 of Bait
I scooped up my laptop from my lap and glanced down at the table. I sighed. The surface was too wet to put my computer back down. As tempting as it was—and it really was—to pick up Ares' t-shirt from the back of the chair and wipe the table with it, I decided I didn't need him hating me more than he already did.
I couldn't stop him from being an asshole, but I didn't need to be one as well.
Reluctantly, I stood and carried my laptop inside. I set it down on the kitchen island and opened it. Before I slipped into a stool, I glanced back at the door. Through the clear glass, Mannix watched me. A hint of a frown was etched on his brow. When he saw me looking, he turned away and disappeared under the water.
What the fuck was that frown for? Had he and Ares deliberately wet the table to drive me away? Was Mannix pissed off it hadn't driven me far enough? Maybe he wouldn't be happy until I moved out, or left Dusk Bay.
If that was the petty game he and his friends were playing then too bad. I wasn't going anywhere. For one thing, Leo's house had the best Wi-Fi I'd ever had access to. It was crazy fast and strong everywhere in the house.
Yeah, for good Wi-Fi, I'll put up with the occasional hostile glance. Priorities.
Besides, the guys were assholes, but they were good to look at. Ice was right, I got wet around them. Especially when they took their shirts off. There was definitely danger in that. Being attracted to guys who hated my guts would get me nowhere.
I sighed and flipped open my laptop. I opened a search window and typed in gymnastic studios nearby. There was one in town. According to their website, they had aerial silks for me to practice on. Hell yeah. A lot didn’t, since it wasn’t a recognised gymnastics apparatus.
I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and shot off a text message about renting the gym or doing a class. Whatever it took, as long as I got to practice. It was that or ask Leo to bolt some silks to the top of the staircase. If Mum asked, he'd probably do just that, but I wasn't going to meet any hot coaches if I stayed here. Just hot assholes who weren't worth my time.
I closed the web browser and opened my essay file. Information security analytics might be as boring as hell to a lot of people, but it fascinated me. Every day it seemed like another big corporation was hacked. When I finished my degree, I wanted to prevent those hackings. Companies owed it to their customers to keep their information safe, not let it be sold on the dark web. Maybe I was an idealist, thinking I could actually prevent cyber attacks, but at least I could help to minimise them, and clean up afterwards.
All of that was shorthand for, Kennedy Knight is a massive nerd. A nerd who would get a lucrative job after I graduated. There was nothing to be ashamed of here.
I read over my work, making corrections here and there before I started on the conclusion. I was so absorbed in my work I didn't notice the guys got out of the pool until the door slid open behind me and they strutted inside like all three of them owned the place.
I kept my gaze on the screen, but watched them move around in the corner of my eye.
Mannix went to the fridge and pulled out drinks for the other two and himself. They all twisted off the caps and tossed them down on the island next to my laptop.
They were obviously trying to piss me off, so I ignored them.
"Are we going to that party tonight?" Ares asked.
That was obvious too. He wanted me to know they were invited and I wasn't. Whatever.
I had more important things to worry about than their petty games. Although, a party would be fun and a good way to meet people.
I tapped my keyboard as though I hadn't heard.
Mannix leaned his elbows on the island and looked right at me. "I think we should."
"We should take Kennedy with us," Ice said.
Ares and Mannix both stiffened.
"You want to come, don't you, Kennedy?" Ice slid a hand under my hair and rested it lightly on the back of my neck.
Luckily I was sitting, because his touch set me on fire and made my knees weak. My breath hitched. I know they all heard it.
Which kind of come did he mean? To the party, or orgasm? Of course, he probably meant both, and that would have been my answer if I could speak coherently.
"She's not invited," Ares snapped.
"She's invited if we bring her," Ice said easily. "You want to come, Kennedy?" He squeezed the back of my neck and I had the strangest sensation that he wanted to wrap his fingers around my throat and squeeze. And squeeze until the light left my eyes.
I was terrified and turned on at the same time.
"I'd love to," I said finally.
I ignored Ares’ growl of irritation. And the deepening frown on Mannix's gorgeous face.