Page 2 of Prey
Mannix worked for Leo. If the killing was anything to do with business, then Leo did know.
And my mother met Leo through work. It explained everything and at the same time, it explained nothing. Why did they kill the man in the first place?
That, I realised, might be a question I'd never get an answer to. I couldn't let them know I saw them. I couldn't stay here either.
I found Mannix's bowtie and snatched it up before slamming the drawer shut.
I hurried over to the room where he and the other guys were getting dressed for the wedding. I barely touched the door to knock when it opened and Ice stuck his head out.
He was still the same, gorgeous, easy-going guy. His hair was tied back in a neat bun and he wore a perfectly tailored suit.
Any other time, I would have melted looking at him.
But now, all I could see was him with his mask on, stabbing that man in the eye. Him walking towards me in the dark, taunting me.
"Hey Beautiful, you found it?" The smile he gave me was warm, sensual. Like he wanted that one expression to wrap around me and keep me close.
It gave me shivers somewhere between fear and desire.
"Yeah." I held up the bowtie. His fingers brushed against mine as he reached for it.
The touch was barely more than the pressure of a butterfly wing, but it sent a flight of them through my stomach.
"It was right you said it would be." Right next to that mask. If this was a test, I couldn't let on what I found. The bowtie was long enough to fit around my throat. To be pulled tight to cut off my air.
It was suddenly incredibly difficult to breathe.
"You're the best, Beautiful." Ice leaned out further and pressed a lingering kiss to my lips.
Hopefully he'd put my trembling down to nerves over my mother's wedding, or my body's response to his touch. In spite of what I now knew, the kiss was enough to make me wet. A coil of need twisted inside me.
Treacherous body.
"I should let you go and take that to Mannix. I think I'm going to get some air."
Before I could leave he whispered, "I wish I could bury my face between your thighs, rather than getting all dressed up. We can save that for later." He winked and smiled before closing the door.
My body throbbing, I hurried to my room and pulled off my bridesmaid dress. I rolled it up and stuffed it into a draw, then changed into shorts and a t-shirt.
I thought about throwing a few things into a bag, but decided against it. I needed to get the hell out of here and I needed to gonow.
I grabbed up my phone, card and what little cash I had in my purse and stuffed them into my pockets. I thought about taking my car keys, but dismissed it. A black Porsche Traycan would stand out like an elephant in a mob of roos.
Trying not to look like I was hurrying, I walked down the stairs and skirted around the busy kitchen. Everyone in there was getting ready for the wedding. If they saw me, they wouldn't think twice until later. But the fewer people that saw me, the better.
I slipped out a side door and headed for a small gate toward the back of the house. It was locked, but I knew the code. I keyed it in and hoped like hell it hadn't been changed since Leo told me what it was. For several heart stopping seconds, I waited for an alarm, for people to come running. Something.
Or worse, for the gate to stay stubbornly shut.
The lock clicked agreeably and I was able to push the gate open. Forcing myself to look ahead and not back over my shoulder, I slipped through and shut the gate behind me.
A track and steps directly in front of me led to the beach, but I went the other way, skirting around some massive rocks and stepping carefully along the cliff face.
I saw the drop, and the surf in the corner of my eye. Falling would suck. Landing on the rocks below would suck even harder. I probably wouldn't die, but I'd brake a few bones, and the guys would find me.
Broken bones might not be so bad compared to what they might do to me.
Don'tpanic, I told myself.Just because everyone knew but you, isn't a good reason to freak out.Okay, maybe it was, but I needed to save that for later. When I was away from here.