Page 54 of Prey
"If you agree that you don't tellanyoneyou saw us here, we have a deal." Mannix held his hand out to Hunter.
Of course, it would be Mannix who picked up on that little loophole.
Hunter knew it too, I saw it on his face. He hesitated for half a second, then took Mannix's hand and shook it.
"I agree it would be mutually beneficial if no one knew any of us was here. None of us will say a word to anyone."
I wondered if Lila would agree if she knew what she was agreeing to. Once she realised she couldn't access social media via her family's Wi-Fi, she might regret going along with this. Then again, she was a Bell. She'd probably renege on it the first chance she got. Whatever, as long as we were a long way from here when that happened.
"You really believe there can be peace between the two families?" Kennedy asked, her expression tentative.
I understood her reason for asking. Samuel Bell would be a lot less likely to want her, or any of us, dead if we were one big happy family.
"We know we're not giving Lila up," Parker said. "Whatever it takes to live our lives together, we'll do it. Even if we have to disappear."
Poor bastard, they were more than likely to disappear if Samuel Bell found out they were fucking his daughter. That shit would end up worse than Romeo and Juliet.
I put that into the, ‘not my problem,’ basket and shoved it out of my mind. No doubt they’d eventually realise they had no chance of making it work and they'd all get on with their lives.
Ares muttered something about guys thinking with their cocks. He shook his head and spoke again, this time loud enough for all of us to hear. "We should get the fuck out of here. We've had enough of this party."
"Yeah, let's go," Mannix said. He jerked his head roughly in the direction of the car.
"You didn't tell us why you were here," Parker said before we could take more than a couple of steps.
"We didn't, did we?" I asked. I looked at him contemplatively for a moment, before I shrugged and followed the others into the darkness. I glanced back over my shoulder, but the twins and Lila didn't follow.
"They're not supposed to be together?" Kennedy asked softly.
"Not even a little bit," I agreed. "They must have snuck over, hoping no one would notice because they're too busy with her old man's party." I had to give them some credit. They had the balls to do something like that.
"Lila and her sister Chloe are in their first year at Brutham," Mannix said. "The twins are in their second year. We helped the twins get through the trials last year. It never hurts to have a Brantley owe you a favour or two."
Kennedy glanced back. "They're Zeke Brantley's brothers?"
I'd forgotten she was a big fan of Wolf Venom. "Yes, they are. There doesn't seem to be much love lost between them though. I wouldn't ask the twins to get you his autograph. They might do it, but they'd want something in return. Trust me, you don't want to owe the evil twins any favours."
"Evil twins?" she echoed. "They don't seem so bad. They seemed interested in making peace between the two groups of mobsters."
"They're interested in taking care of their own hide," Mannix said scathingly. "They work for their brother, Reuben, and as far as I can tell, there's nothing they won't do for him. Including kill you if he decides he wants you dead. They wouldn't even blink."
"Kennedy isn't going to give Reuben a reason to want her dead," I said firmly. "Once word gets out about the virus, he'll be impressed. He might even wish he'd thought of it sooner."
Things like this usually weren't Reuben's method. If he thought he could get them close enough to Samuel Bell, he'd send an assassin instead. Hell, he probably had already. On a night like this, it would be exactly what everyone was expecting. They wouldn't have been looking out for people to sneak in and fuck up their computer.
"That's what I'm hoping," Mannix said. "The four of us are going to get noticed. We'll get the appreciation we deserve. And with it, more responsibility."
"Do you think I could get a bigger workshop?" My vision blurred as I imagined my ideal space. It would be three or four times the size of what I have now. Enough space to work with several different people. I might even bring in an apprentice. Maybe Kennedy. I had a feeling she'd get a kick out of it way more than she realised.
Just thinking about her using the pliers on Frank Nixon made my cock hard. Thinking about Kennedy doing pretty much anything made my cock turn to stone. I would have liked more time in Bell's office, so I could fuck her mouth. Oh well, there'd be time for that later.
"I don't see why not," Mannix said.
I fist pumped the air. "Hell yeah. I'm going to need a bath. A big one."
"Feeling dirty?" Ares asked.
I frowned at him and stepped carefully around a bike some kid left out the front of their house. They’d be lucky if it was still there in the morning and not stolen.